Who Am I, Really?

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Stella was definitely fed up with me going to the Raging Bulls to hang out with Shu. 'Rose, we haven't hung out for ages!' she complained.

'I always invite you to come with me,' I said. 'You just choose not to.'

'That's because I don't like the people at that place,' said Stella.

Okay, Stella had a point. Shu had no idea that his teammates were mocking him behind his back. It was sad, honestly.

'Look, we can hang out together tomorrow. How's that?' I asked.

Stella happily agreed. She said that we should go to the mall together.

I kind of felt odd the next day. I felt uncomfortable walking to the mall with Stella. She gasped in delight when she saw my Cinderella handbag (which had been a Christmas present from my new parents).

'That's so cute!' she said. 'Can I have it?'

'You want to borrow it?' I asked.

'No. I want to keep it,' said Stella.

'But it's mine,' I said.

'But I want it,' said Stella. 'You always give me your things if I want them.'

Kairi would have never asked this of me.

'I said no. N. O. No. What part of no is hard for you to understand?'

'What has gotten into you lately?' asked Stella. 'You see these shoes?' She showed me her shoes, which were a pair of pink sneakers. 'They were yours, but when I asked for them you gave them to me.'

'What?' I asked.

'Yeah. And this watch was yours as well.' She showed me her Frozen watch. How many of her things were mine at one point?

And why would I (or the real Rose) just give me things to her without question? Did I not care about my things? Or did I think that it was okay to be submissive?

'Have I always given my things to you?' I asked.

'Yes. You have been giving me your things since we were in kindergarten together. Back then it was just snacks.'

I frowned. Giving someone else your snacks was harmless enough, but that might have caused Stella to take advantage of me. And as we grew up, it evolved to giving her my things. Had I spoiled her?

I had never thought that it was possible to spoil your friend. I have heard of parents spoiling their children, but never people spoiling their friends.

'Did your parents give you anything you want?' I asked.

Stella thought for a while before answering. 'Not really,' she said. 'I get my own way on my birthday, but otherwise they are like any other parents. Why do you ask?'

'Stella, you can't just point your finger at one of my things and expect me to give it to you. My parents probably spent a lot of money to buy these things for me. They probably didn't like me giving these things to you. I mean, did you ever give your things to me?'

'No,' said Stella. 'But you never asked for them.'

'This isn't right. It's not friendship. None of my friends in Japan asked me to give them my things. Friendship isn't blindly being a doormat to someone else. Friendship is being there for someone when they need you, and vice-versa.'

'But this is how our friendship works,' said Stella. 'This is how it had always worked.'

'Well, you have used me for too long, and I don't like it. You're not being a friend at all. I'm not a servant. I refuse to give you any of my stuff anymore.'

'What have those Japanese kids been putting in your head?'

'Don't bring my Japanese friends in this? They would never use me the way you did.'

And with that, I walked away from Stella. I didn't want to see her anymore. How can she be so selfish and ask all this from me? I couldn't bear it. I am not a doormat, and I won't bend over backwards to please her.

However, as I walked back to my grandparents' house, I couldn't stop the tears running down my face. I had always wanted to travel to America, but the experience had been ruined for me.

Just then, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. It was Kairi!

I answered the call. 'Hello?' I asked.

'Hi Rose,' said Kairi. 'I have missed you. How's the US? I want every single detail.'

How could I explain the truth? That Shu's teammates were petty and jealous of Shu? That they looked down on him for being only eleven years old? That my so-called best friend expected me to be submissive and do everything she asks?

'Er... America's great. I'm having a good time.'

Yep. I had told an outright lie to Kairi.

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