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I don't know how long I slept, but it was still dark when I woke up. That was when I discovered Shu sleepwalking again. This time, he was vacuuming the floor.

I groaned. "Shu, this isn't the time," I said as I gently took the vacuum cleaner out of his hands. "Rose, what's going on?" asked Dad.

"Nothing," I said. "Shu is just sleepwalking again."

"Should he go to the doctor?" asked Dad.

"I'm not sure if we should take Shu to the doctor for a sleepwalking spell," I said. "Maybe a psychologist?"

"Well, there might be someone who we could take Shu to," said Mom. "But should we get his parents' approval?"

I gave her a look which said, Do you think that his parents would care about his sleepwalking habits?

"I guess not," said Mom.

I put Shu to bed again. "Good night," I said and kissed his forehead. I went to sleep next to him.


Not this again! By this, I mean waking up to find the Beyclub taking pictures of me and Shu snuggled up together (wait, how did we end up snuggling?).

Shu was still asleep, so I gently nudged him awake. "Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty."

Shu yawned and sat up sleepily. "What time is it?" he asked.

"It's almost ten in the morning," said Kairi.

"I overslept?" asked Shu.

"You were sleepwalking again," I said.

Shu groaned. "Seriously?"

I sighed. "Shu, maybe you should see a sleep doctor. It's clear that your behaviour isn't normal. How long have you been sleepwalking?"

"I don't know," said Shu.

I made a mental note to sign Shu up for therapy. He probably needs a ton right now.

I felt worried about Shu. He kept yawning through breakfast. My parents insisted on spoiling him, which embarrassed him.

"Mrs Charmille, you don't have to make me pancakes or help me cut up my food."

"But I want to," said Mom. "Besides, your arm is probably going to provide you with some difficulties."

I could tell that Shu's arm was really bothering him now. He winced every time he moved it slightly.

"Rose, I have been thinking about something," Shu suddenly said. I looked at him, surprised.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I think that the reason I never fit in at the Raging Bulls was because I never felt at home here," said Shu. "Having you around made me feel a little better, but I was miserable. When you stopped coming over, it was very hard for me. I knew that my teammates were making fun of me behind my back. But I didn't want to cause trouble, so I said nothing about it."

"Shu, I have no idea you felt that way," I said. "I knew that you were suffering, but I didn't know that it was that bad."

Shu cried a little. "I... I think that I'm homesick for Japan. I don't belong here. I want to go home."

"Why don't you go home?" I asked.

"Because I don't want to leave everyone behind again," said Shu. "I don't understand why everyone forgave me. I don't deserve their forgiveness."

"Shu, I'm sure as long as you tell the Beyclub where you are going, they will be fine. From what I have heard, you have already suffered enough. You deserve to be happy."

"Can you... Come with me?" asked Shu. "I might feel better if I had you with me."

"But I'm staying at my grandparents' house for another two weeks," I said.

"Oh, okay," said Shu. "I will just go alone..."

"Wait!" I said. "Can you stay for a few more days? Stella is itching to take us to the amusement park. It will be fun."


"Pretty pretty please?" I asked while making the biggest puppy dog eyes I could muster.

"Okay fine. Just stop with the puppy dog eyes!"

"Yay!" I almost hugged Shu, but then I remembered that he was still injured. "We will have so much fun!"


The Beyclub was disappointed when Shu explained that he planned to go back to Japan soon. But they agreed once I explained that Shu didn't feel at home in America.

Shu actually found Boa and apologised to him. He told Boa that he didn't have to hero worship anyone and just concentrated on being himself.

Shu also apologized to Lui for breaking his bey. But surprisingly Lui also apologized to Shu.

It turned out that when Lui experienced losing to Shu, he realized that it would give him the motivation to try to defeat Shu again. And Lui actually thought about what he had put Shu through for the past year and realized that he had been a jerk.

Shu and Lui ended up on civil, if not friendly, terms. Lui actually remembered my name this time. I mean, I did punch him a few months ago.

Shu also tried to apologize to Norman, but he couldn't find him anywhere. And there was one more question.

Who on earth was going to be the manager of the Raging Bulls now that Theodore was gone? Of course, I already knew the answer, but I wasn't saying.

The Beyclub kept trying to get me to tell them, but I refused.

"Sorry, my lips are sealed. You can't expect me to spoil the future for you."

"But Roseeeeeeeee!" wailed Valt.

I laughed at Valt's pouting face. "You are a cutie," I told him.

Valt made an annoyed expression, but I didn't mind one bit.

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