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Maryam Chaudhary

I walk near the fridge with anticipation as I opened it; my heart skipped a beat as I saw that it was filled with chocolates. Oh my goodness, I felt like I was on top of the world seeing so many delectable treats in front of me.

"Baba, itne saare chocolates!", exclaimed my mouth watering as I gazed at the assortment of dairy milk, kit kats, and munch bars.

"Yeah, they are all for you", baba replied with a warm smile. "I had a feeling you were coming today, so I made sure to stock up on your favorites". Overwhelmed with gratitude, I couldn't help but express my love for him.

"I love you baba", I said, running towards him and enveloping him in a tight hug.

"Love you too, gudiya", he replied, planting a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

Breaking the hug, I tip-toed over to him and planted a sweet kiss on his forehead. With a smile, I dashed back to the fridge and grabbed a fruit and nut chocolate, settling myself on the kitchen counter to enjoy the sweet treat. The love and thoughtfulness of baba filled me with warmth and happiness as I savored each delicate bite.

"Maryam", mama called out to me. I jumped down from the counter where I had been snacking and made my way over to her in the living room, where she was sitting and watching TV.

"Ji mama", I replied, settling down next to her on the couch.

"Did something happen, when he took you home?", she asked, causing me to pause mid-chew of my chocolate.

"Nothing happened, mama", I reassured her with a smile, but she continued studying my face intently. I quickly diverted my attention back to my chocolate, not wanting my parents to worry about me, especially after all the emotional turmoil Danish had already put them through.

"I'm your mother, Maryam. I can we see the pain in your eyes, the sadness you're trying to hide behind that fake smile", she said softly, tears glistening in her own eyes.

I met her gaze, my own eyes welling up with tears. "Its nothing like that", I insisted, blinking back the tears threatening to spill over.

"Tell me, Maryam", she urged, moving to sit beside me.

"Kya bolun mama, kuch hai hi nahi", I murmured as I finished the last bite of chocolate, feeling the weight of unspoken emotions hanging in the air between us.

I don't want my parents to know how psychotic and bipolar Danish is. I don't want them to get hurt again because of him. That's why I'm letting him do what ever he wants, even if it means faking my feelings for him.

"Maryam, you need to share with me", mama said, running her hand through my hair, trying to comfort me. But just as I was about to reply, Sadia khala entered the living room, followed by my best friend.

"Assalamualaikum", I greeted them, sitting up straight and forcing a smile.

"Walaikumasalam", sadia khala replied as mama and I stood up and hugged them.

"Kaisi hai meri beti?", asked Sadia khala, embracing me and kissing my head.

"Alhamdulillah khala, main thik hu", I replied, giving her a smile. I then turned to Amna, who had a playful smile on her face.

"Kya haal hai madam, na phone, na kuch?", she asked while raising her brow. I didn't reply but hugged her tightly.

"Sab theek hai na?", mama asked noticing my uneasiness.

"Sab theek hai, don't worry", I replied, trying to assure her.

"Sirf aap dono hi aaye ho kya?", mama asked Sadia khala, as Amna suggested, sitting in the garden.

"Let's go and sit in the garden", Amna said, holding my hand and leading me out.

"Spit it out, Maryam. Something is bothering you", Amna said, as we walked towards the garden.

"How do you know?", I asked, looking at her with a hint of surprise.

"Well, you would have screamed my name as soon as you saw me entering the house, which you didn't. So yeah", she replied with a small smile understanding me too well.

We arrived at the garden and saw Zoya aapi and Irfan bhai entering the house. I greeted with a 'Assalamualaikum' and they replied with 'Walaikumasalam', and went inside the house. Amna turned to face me with a concerned look.

"Now tell me everything Maryam. I'm here for you", she said holding my hands and looking into my eyes with understanding and compassion.

I poured my heart out to her, recounting every painful detail from the moment I was shot and admitted to the hospital, to Danish showing up at home and declaring his intention to marry me. I shared how mama advised me to flee, and how I followed her advice and ran away. I told her about Danish sending me a video of him tormenting my parents, and how he forced me into marriage. I even confessed to allowing him to kiss me, a moment of weakness that still haunts me.

"I don't know what to do anymore, Amna. You were right, woh ek zehreela naag hai", I said while sobbing, feeling completely lost and helpless. He has turned my life upside down: I used to be happy, going to university, living life on my own terms.

But ever since he entered my life, everything has changed. He started stalking me, invading my privacy and making me feel unsafe. I witnessed him committing a murder right in front of me, leaving me traumatized and terrified. Not only he is controlling, possessive, and bipolar, but he is also a dangerous killer. I don't know how to escape from his grip and find a way out of this nightmare.

"You should have called the cops when he was forcing you to marry him", she said her voice filled with hatred for Danish.

"I would have called the cops, but he pointed the gun at baba, so I told him that, I will marry him", I said, recalling how baba stood there, helpless and covered in blood. I felt a wave of shame wash over me as I remembered how I let him kiss me, and even worse, how I kissed him back. It was a moment of weakness that I will always regret.


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Allah hafiz 💕💕

🥀Fear is temporary, regret is forever🥀

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