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Maryam Chaudhary

I had a sinking feeling that something terrible was about to unfold, and unfortunately, it did. Danish's violent outburst towards Imran bhai left me feeling utterly humiliated. As I sat in the car, tears streaming down my face like a frightened child, I wished Imran bhai hadn't provoked Danish. The sight of Danish relentlessly beating him until blood spilled from his mouth filled me with fear and dread.

Danish was driving the car very fast, despite the heavy rain. I was worried about getting into an accident and pleaded with him to slow down. However, he ignored my request and continued to drive even faster.

"We might get into an accident, please Dani", I mumbled, placing my hand on his thigh. He snapped at me, telling me not to touch him, which left me feeling embarrassed. I fell silent and turned my head towards the window, gazing outside. The tension in the car was palpable as we raced down the wet road, my anxiety growing with each passing moment.

The outside weather was beautiful, with heavy rain falling and the village houses taking on a new, enchanting appearance. The once blue sky turned dark as a ominous clouds blanketed the atmosphere.

I found myself lost in the beauty of the rain, leaning my head against the car window, mesmerized by the peaceful and serene scene outside. The moon light added a touch of magic to the night, creating a dreamlike ambiance.

The weather outside was stunning, yet internally, I was in turmoil. Unsure of how to proceed, I went from happiness to tears. Is this the bleak reality of my future? Will my life be a constant cycle of joy and sorrow?

Ya Allah, please help me. Iam lost and confused about what is happening in my life. I do not want to endure any more suffering. The constant fear and anxiety are overwhelming me. I pray silently as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Danish Raza Mir

I was consumed by a fiery rage, seething with anger that coursed through my veins like molten lava. How dare he lay a hand on her delicate shoulder, a violation that scorched my mind with images I couldn't erase. The urge to end him pulsed within me, a primal instinct begging for release. But I resisted, for I couldn't bear the thought of Maryam fearing me even more in that moment of madness.

I need to calm my raging nerves before I do something I might regret later. I feel the overwhelming urge to have a drink and forget the image of his hand on her shoulder. I turn my head towards her, watching as she sleeps with tear-soaked cheeks resting against the window. The darkness whispers psychotic thoughts into my, tempting me to lose control.

"I need a reach home fast", I muttered as I accelerated the car, feeling the heat building up. With one hand, I began unbuttoning my shirt, desperate for relief. As I leaned back, closing my eyes and sighing, I knew I needed a drink. The urge consumed me, driving me to the brink of madness.

Tears welled up inside my eyes as I recalled the memory once more, feeling helpless as I struggled to erase it from my mind.

"Ahhhhhh!", I screamed in frustration, gripping the steering wheel tightly. Glancing at Maryam, I saw her sleeping peacefully, unaffected by the chaos around her. It was as if she was in deep unbreakable slumber.

Just five more minutes until we finally reach home. I can't wait to have a drink and engage in a deep conversation with you, my love. I mumble with a sinister smile, anticipation building in my twisted mind.

As I gaze upon the familiar street of my home, I pulled up to the gate and honked for security. They quickly opened it, allowing me to drive through. My men stood guarding, guns in hand, greeting me as I passed. Ignoring them, I parked and noticed other cars present. My brothers must be here again, always invading my space without reason. It's maddening.

Stepping out of the car, I walked towards the passenger seat and opened the door. I placed one hand around her knees and the other around her waist, lifting her in my arms. She groaned and nuzzled her nose against my naked chest, sending goosebumps across my body. Holding her tight, l made my way inside the house, only to find my whole family sitting there chitchatting. How could they come without informing me? I thought as I entered the living room, feeling a sense of unease creep over me.

"Assalamualaikum", Maria greeted as soon as she saw me entering the living room. I turned and looked at her, only to see her staring at Maryam who was sleeping peacefully in my arms like a baby.

"Stop looking at her", I said to Maria as I walk towards the living room stairs that leads to my room. But as always, dadi stopped me with a fierce look in her eyes.

"You are becoming increasingly rude and shameless, Danish; taking that girl with you without even greeting or asking for our permission", dadi asked, her eyes burning with anger.

"She is not just any girl, she is my wife", I replied, glancing at Maryam who was now peacefully sleeping in my arms, holding me tightly as if she never wanted to let go.

"Wife?", Dadi asked in disbelief, unaware of my marriage. It was good she didn't know, as I didn't want her to.

"Do you have a problem with her being my wife?", I inquired, kissing Maryam on the head infront of her. Dadi, a true menace in the Mir household, a deadly snake who can't stand other's happiness. I'm certain she's the one who killed ammi.

"Haan, I have problem with her being your wife", dadi replied while glaring at Maryam, who is unaware of what is happening around her.

"Well, that's your problem, I can't do anything about it", I responded as I carried my sweet heart upstairs. Dadi thinks she has a say in my life; she's mistaken. No one gets to dictate my choices.


🥀I don't care what other people think of me I enjoy my life with my own rules🥀

Allah hafiz 💕💕

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