364 22 1

Danish Raza Mir

I emerged from the dungeon's depths, my body drenched in crimson. My men stood their frozen, their eyes wide with terror. I rolled my eyes at their pathetic display.

Approaching my car, I flung open the passenger door and sank into the seat. Lighting a cigarette, I inhaled deeply. The smoke filled my lungs, calming my nerves.

"Can we talk?", Azaan asked, his voice trembling, I raised an eyebrow, exhaling a cloud of smoke.

"You can't keep killing people like this. It'll bring trouble with the police", he said, his voice laced with concern.

"And you think I care about the police?", I scoffed, "they can kiss my ass. He shouldn't have tried to kill her, I wouldn't have killed him otherwise", I said, matter-of-factly.

"That doesn't justify your rampage", he protested, running his fingers through his hair. I chuckled, at his distress. He is my P.A and second in command responsible for handling my affairs. It was amusing to see him in such a state.

"Okay, you killed him because he shot her. But why did you send men after Irfan?", he asked.

"Because he lied to her", I replied simply

"This killing spree has to end", Azaan said, his voice firm.

"It will stop when they stop bothering her", I declared, blowing a puff of smoke into his face. He coughed violently.

I sat back, watching him with amusement. Azaan had grown accustomed to my eccentricities. But today, he has seen a side of me he had never seen before.

"You think she will love you when she knows what you do for a living?", he asked, his gaze fixed on me.

I sat there, smoking a cigarette and staring back at him, a bitter taste in my mouth. "Of course she will love me", I replied, "she doesn't needs to know what I do".

Azaan shook his head, "You're wrong. Her father is a kind-hearted lawyer, and here you're a merciless killer". The truth lay bare. I'm a mafia boss, the head of Mir Empire, a world away from the life she lived. But I refused to believe that my choice of work should matter. Love, I thought, was all that mattered.

"She will love me", I said, throwing the cigarette to the ground and grinding it under my shoe. "I know it".

I couldn't bear the thought of her hating me. It would shatter me, knowing that the woman I considered mine did not reciprocated my feelings. But she didn't even know of my love yet. Today, I will go to the hospital, confess my love, and marry her. Then, she would be mine forever.

A smirk appeared on my face as I thought about it. But deep down Azaan's question lingered like a nagging doubt. Would she truly love a man like me? A man who lived in the shadows, stained with blood and violence?. Only time would tell.


To be continued

Allah hafiz 💕💕

🥀 ishq, mohabbat, pyaar sab
       Kuch hogaya hai tumse,
Khud se zyada, hadd se zyada,
        Sabse zyada!!🥀

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