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Maryam Chaudhary {after a week}

We sat on the couch, surrounding the old woman between us who was crying. She belonged to an orphanage that was being threatened by a man to build a hotel on its land.

Through her sobs, she told us how the man had demanded them to vacate the place by tomorrow. My heart ached for her and the other residents of the orphanage.

How heartless must this man be to build a hotel at the cost of collapsing an orphanage? As mama, baba and I tried to offer words of reassurance and comfort, mama wiped away the tears from the old woman's face.

"Gudiya, go and get some water for amma", mama said to me, her voice gentle yet firm. I quickly went to the kitchen, grabbed a water bottle, and returned to them.

The old woman gratefully took a sip and I stood there, looking at her with a sympathetic smile. I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to do more to help her.

"Is she your daughter, Mashallah she is very beautiful", the old woman asked, looking at me with admiration in her eyes.

"Yes, she is", Baba replied with a smile, his voice filled with pride. I couldn't help but blush at the old woman's words. "Thank you, amma. But I think it's Allah's blessing. He has made me beautiful". I said, my voice soft with gratitude.

The old woman smiled warmly at me before her expression turned sad again. "I wish I could do something to stop this from happening. These kids are my family. I have nowhere else to go", she said, her voice breaking.

"Do not worry, Amma. We will find a way to help you and the other children. This man way have money and power, but we have faith and love on our side", baba said, his voice filled with determination.

And in that moment I couldn't help but feel proud of my parents and their unwavering support for those in need. We may not have much, but we have each other and that is enough.

Together, we will find a way to protect this orphanage and ensure that these children have a safe and loving home.


"I plead to you, Ya Allah, with tears in my eyes, to hear my prayers for my beloved Amma and the children at the orphanage. They have no one else to turn to but you, the ultimate source of guidance and support. Please do not let our prayers go unanswered, for you hold the power and control over everything in this universe. We are your humble servants, in need of your assisstance". As I cried out these words on my prayer mat, I felt a sense of desperation and helplessness overcome me.

But as I stood up and gazed out the window, my heart was filled with hope. For even in the darkest of nights, you show us the way with the light of the moon. So I beseech you, O Allah, to guide us through these dark days and bring us into a brighter future.

"O Merciful one", I cried out, my voice trembling with emotion, "please hear our prayers and grant us strength and resilience in these trying times". I raised my hands in supplication, feeling a sense of with the power of Almighty.

"You are the only one we can turn to, Ya Allah, for you are the one who truly understands our struggles", As my words echoed through the quiet room, I felt a sense of peace wash over me.

The sight of moon, shining brightly in the sky, reminded me of your unwavering love and mercy, O Allah.
"Just like the moon brights light in the darkness, Please help us find our way out of this difficult situation", I whispered, my eyes fixated on the glowing orb.

"We trust in your plan, for you are the ultimate caretaker of your servants", with a heavy heart, I returned to my prayer mat, feeling a deep sense of gratitude towards Allah for giving me the strength to overcome the challenges I face. As I bowed my head on prayer mat once again, I knew that with faith and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle with the grace of Allah.

"Ameen", I whispered, feeling a sense of peace and hope fill my heart.


Have a nice day 🤗🤗

Allah hafiz 💕💕

Allah hafiz 💕💕

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