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Maryam Chaudhary

Fear gripped my heart as baba uttered the chilling words. "He wants to kill you". Tears streamed down his face as he revealed the sinister truth behind Danish's father's relentless pursuit.

"Why does he want to kill me?", I questioned, my voice trembling.

"He seeks revenge", baba replied, his gaze heavy with sorrow.

"Revenge for what?", I pressed.

"Revenge for his wife", baba said, his eyes fixed on mine.

Confusion washed over me. "His wife? What does she have to do with us? Why is he taking revenge on us?", I demanded, my mind racing to comprehend the connection.

Baba remained silent for a moment, his expression pained, "She was...... she was your aunt", he finally whispered.

In the span of my 19 years on earth, the revelation that I had an aunt came as a complete shock. The news delivered by baba, left me reeling with a mix of emotions. I eagerly inquired about her well-being and where abouts, only to be met with a somber response. As mama gently led me towards her. I turned my gaze towards baba, seeking answers.

"She is dead", he uttered, his voice tinged with sorrow. A sigh escaped his lips as he closed his eyes. The weight of the news settled upon me like a heavy cloak. I had never known my aunt's existence, and now I was learning of her untimely demise.

Driven by a mix of curiosity and grief, I asked, "how did she die?". As I sat upright, I reached out and gently caressed baba's hand. "She was murdered", he replied, a sad smile playing his lips. Tears glistened in his eyes, reflecting the pain he carried.

"Who murdered her?", I inquired, drawing my legs closer to my chest and sitting attentively. My gaze shifted between my parents, who shared a knowing glance. "Danish's father, Junaid Raza Mir, thinks I killed her", baba said, resting his head on the bed beside which he sat.

His words caught me off guard, the idea that my father, a man known for his compassion and kindness, could be accused of such a heinous crime seemed utterly absurd. Junaid Raza Mir must have lost his mind to make such a baseless accusation.

"How can he accuse you of something you would never do?", I demanded, my anger flaring. Baba would never hurt anyone!.

"He wants me to feel the same pain he felt when his wife died", he said, his eyes opening and locking with mine and mama's. "He wants us to suffer".

"I can't lose you both", he said, pulling us into a tight embrace. "If I lose either of you, I might die".

"That's why we need to leave before Danish or his father comes", baba said, breaking the hug and kissing both of our heads. " We have to get out of here".

"You go finish your breakfast, I'll pack your bag", mama said making me nod my head at her.

I descended the stairs and entered the dining area. As I approached the table, I notice that it remained untouched since I left it earlier. I sat down and resumed eating my oatmeal. As I did so, my thoughts wandered to my relationship with Danish.

Danish was my first cousin, the son my father's sister. Growing up I had always believed that I did not have any relatives on my father's side, as I had only ever visited my mother's family. The revelation that I actually had a cousin on my father's side was therefore somewhat difficult for me to process.

Danish, Danish he is always in mind, stop thinking about him, I muttered to myself taking a bite of food. "He's a monster. You shouldn't dwell on him. All the bad things in your life are his fault", but the more I tried to push him from my thoughts, the more his presence seemed to permeate my being.


Allah hafiz 💕💕

🥀The mind replays what the heart can't delete🥀

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