272 14 1

Danish Raza Mir

I found myself sitting in the large conference room, surrounded by my important clients, trying to focus on the discussion at hand. However, my mind kept drifting to Maryam. I had asked her to stay inside the house today, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that she had snuck out to the garden.

Azaan, gave me stern look, reminding me to pay attention to the meeting. "Sir we were talking about the new marketing strategy for the next quarter", he said, clearly irritated by my distracted behavior. But I couldn't help but wondering if Maryam was out in the garden, despite her promise.

The sound of their voices sounded like a mere buzz, and I could feel my mind slipping away as I heard a voice whispering, 'she is out there, he's watching her', I quickly shook my head, trying to get rid myself of such thoughts. I need to focus. I took a deep breath and tried to participate in the discussion, but my mind kept wandering.

"What do you think, sir?", one of the clients asked, bringing me back to reality.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat the question?", I asked, my tone apologetic. Azaan gave me a sympathetic look, understanding my struggle. I desperately tried to push away any psychotic thoughts and focus on the meeting. But the feeling that, Maryam was out there, and him watching her, won't leave me alone. I couldn't wait for this meeting to be over so I could go home and see myslef if she was actually there or if it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

"Excuse me", I said as I stepped out of the conference room, I called Asad and asked, "Asad, where is Maryam?", I needed to know the truth and couldn't calm my nerves without a cigarette, so lit one up. Asad replied in a calm voice. "she's inside", but I could sense that he was lying to me.

"Tell me the truth Asad", I demanded as I sat on the couch and threw my tuxedo aside. He tried to assure. "I'm telling the truth Bhai, she hasn't left the house since you went to the office this morning", but I could hear voices behind him and I knew something was off.

"Fine", I said as I ended the call and took a deep drag of my cigarette. It was all to clear that my old witch must have told baba how I had thrown her out of the house. And now he would come after her for what I did. But I couldn't let him get to Maryam.

She was mine, and no one could harm her. I couldn't leave without her by my side. I couldn't even imagine a life without her. I needed to see her face first thing in the morning, and fall asleep in her arms at night. No one could take her away from me. I would make sure of it. I had to protect her from the cruel world and from anyone who dared to come between us. She was mine and I would do anything to keep her safe. No one could break us apart, not even my own father.

As I sat in my office, puffing away on my cigarette, I suddenly heard a sharp knock on my door. I glanced up to see a steaming Azaan barging in, his face twisted in anger. "What the hell, bhai? That was a crucial meeting! We could have lost all our investors because of you". He hollered, throwing the files on my table. But I remained seated, lazily taking a drag from my cigarette.

"You really think I give a damn about that meeting?", I asked with a chuckle. Azaan begged me to be serious, saying we could lose all our investors because of my nonchalant attitude. But I couldn't care less.

"Let them go, I've got enough money to live like a king", I said, flicking the cigarette and giving him a toothy grin.

"Talking to you is useless", he said, shaking his head in utter disappointment. I couldn't help but laugh at his pathetic attempt to reason with me.  

See, I'm not your average sane businessman. I thrive on chaos and unpredictability. It's what makes life interesting and keeps me on my toes. So let the investors go, I'll find some other way to entertain myself. After all, who needs them when you've got enough money to sustain a lifetime of luxury and thrill? 

"You're going to make me insane, bhai", he said, as he pulled his hair in frustration. I couldn't help but giggle at his exasperation. Just, then, my phone rang, interrupting the moment. I glanced at the screen to see the name Asad flashing before me. The timing couldn't have more perfect, adding a touch of mystery to the already tense atmosphere.

"Ghar par firing hui hai, bhai", Asad said urgently, causing me to jump up from the couch and rush outside the office.

"Maryam, kahan par hai Asad?", I asked, the sound of my own heartbeat pounding in my ears.

"Woh andar hai", he replied, before I abruptly ended the call. Ignoring Azaan calling out to me from behind, I sprinted into the parking lot, my mind racing with worry and fear for my jaan's safety.

As I ran towards my sleek black Porsche, my heart raced with anticipation. Sliding into the driver's seat, I felt the familiar thrill of the engine roaring to life as I turned the key. The car seemed to come alive beneath me, vibrating with power and potential. With a swift press of the gas pedal, I accelerated onto the road, the wind whipping through my hair as I pushed the car to its limits.

The speedometer climbed higher and higher, the scenery blurring into a colorful streak of lights and shapes. Despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins, my only thought was of getting home to ensure my sweetheart's safety. Every twist and turn of the road was a reminder of how much I needed to see her, to hear her voice, to know that she was unharmed. And So, with determination fueling my every move, I continued to push the Porsche to its maximum speed, willing it to fly me home to her side.

As I gazed upon the familiar sight of my home and drove the car through the opened gate, my heart raced with anticipation. I could see my brothers standing there, their expressions were tense and filled with worry. Without hesitation, I stepped out of the car and sprinted towards them, desperate for reassurance.

"Maryam, thik hai na?", I asked my eyes flickering to the men surrounding the house with guns, the sense of danger palpable in the air.

Without waiting for their response, I rushed inside, my heart pounding in my chest. I searched for Maryam, my fear growing with each passing moment. When I finally found her, standing by the window with Maria, relief flooded through me. I embraced her tightly, my voice trembling as I whispered, "please tell me you're okay", my face buried in her neck as I inhaled her familiar scent. 

"I'm okay", she whispered softly, her arms enveloping me in a tight embrace as we stood there, locked in each others arms. In that moment, surrounded by her warmth, I found a sense of peace that I had never experienced before. It was as if she was my lifeline, the reason for my existence. The thought of not being able to see her again filled me with a deep sense of dread, as If my survival depended on her presence in my life.

I knew that if anything happens to her, it would be like a part of me dying along with her. She had become my everything, my reason for living, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing her.  


Sorry for the mistakes 🤗🤗

🥀Bin tere na ek pal ho, na bin tere kabhi kal ho..🥀

Allah hafiz 💕💕

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