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Danish Raza Mir

I broke the kiss and leaned my forehead on hers, savoring the moment as it lingered in the air. This kiss was the best kiss of my life, a passionate exchange where I poured my anger, love, and longing into every touch of our lips. As I opened my eyes, I saw her looking back at me with tears glistening, breaking my heart with the raw emotion in her eyes.

But I knew I had to leave her in the dungeon to teach her a lesson. I pecked her lips twice, trying to gauge her reaction. She stood there, unmoving and unblinking, a sense of calmness that sent shivers down my spine. Just moments ago, she had been crying and pleading with me, but now she stood like a statue.

"Why won't you plead with me now?", I asked, wiping away her tears. She shook her head, her voice void of emotion.

"You've already made up your mind to lock me in the dungeon, so why should I plead with you again?" Her words hit like a dagger, and I couldn't help but wonder if she was right. Maybe, just maybe, I would reconsider if she begged me not to lock her away. But her unflinching demeanor only added to the eerie atmosphere, leaving me with a sense of unease.

"Do you really love me, Danish?", she asked out of nowhere.

"Of course I love you. You are my life, my everything. You are the reason for my living", I said as I wiped away the tears streaming down her face.

"But this isn't love, Danish", she whispered, trying to get away from me, which only made me angrier.

"Then what is this?", I asked as I pulled even closer, our fronts touching.

"Your love is suffocating. Your love is fake. Fake love is controlling. Love doesn't isolate, Danish. You are cutting me off from my parents, and that's slavery. You are making me question my own sanity", she shouted, tears falling from her eyes like rain.

"That's not true. I love you, and never say that my love is fake", I said, glaring at her.

"Your love is fake. It's not love. It's your obsession. You wanted me, and now you've got me, so you are controlling me", she shouted.

The room filled with tension as her words echoed in my ears. Was it true? Was my love for her turning into something sinister, something suffocating? That sent shivers down my spine.

But deep down, I knew that my feelings for her were genuine. I love her more than anything in this world. And yet, her accusations lingered in the air, leaving me conflicted and confused.

In that moment, I realized that love can be a double-edged sword. It can bring you and happiness, but it can also bring pain and suffering. As I looked into her tear-filled eyes, I knew that our love story was far from over.


Allah hafiz 💕💕

Short chapter😁😁

Ignore the mistakes 😚😚

🥀Just as a garden needs pruning and care to thrive, so too does love require boundaries and direction to truly blossom🥀

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