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Danish Raza Mir

My heart felt like it could explode at any moment as I ran towards Maryam, shouting her name. The man who had shot her had already left, but I promised myself that I would find him and make him pay for what he had done.

As I reached Maryam's side, I cried out to her, begging her to open her eyes. She stirred slightly, trying to comply, but hissing in pain from the gun shot wound.

Tears streaming down my face, I pleaded with her not to close her eyes as I cradled her in my arms. I could see the pain and fear in her eyes as she whispered that it hurt, before finally closing her eyes.

I frantically wipe her tears away, desperate for her to stay with me.

"Don't, close your eyes please", I cried, holding her close to my heart. I took her face in my hands, trying to make her look at me. Slowly, she opened her eyes and managed to shutter out the words--"", Her words broke my heart, but I knew she was just in pain and didn't mean it.

"Hate me, but please don't leave me", I cry while holding her. She closed her eyes after hearing me again.

"Maryam, please", I called out, hugging her close to my chest. In a panic, I searched for phone to call for Haider. But realization hit me that I had left it in the car.

I quickly ran towards the car, my mind racing with fear and desperation. I found my phone and called Haider. My voice trembling as I told what had happened.

"Where are you bhai", Haider asked, his voice filled with panic.

"The usual place where we eat at night", I replied, my voice chocking up. I rushed back to Maryam, holding her carefully in my arms as I ran towards the car.

In that moment, all I could was that she couldn't die, she couldn't leave me. I hadn't even fulfilled my mother's promise to her yet.

As I turned my head while driving the car, I saw her lying there with blood pouring from her wound. My heart sunk with fear and guilt.

I had killed so many people before and never flinched at the sight of blood, but seeing her soaked in her own blood made me feel sick to my blood. She moaned in pain, calling put for her baba, even in her injured state.

I raced to the hospital, bursting through the doors with her in my arms. I pleaded with the doctor to save her, but he refused, saying it was a police case and we needed to inform them first.

Anger boiled up within me at the thought of her dying while waiting for the police. I shouted at the doctor and even punched him In frustration. The nurse pulled me away and reminded me to stay calm.

But how could I? My entire world revolved around making sure she was safe. Finally, they took her into the operating room, and I could only pray that she would make it out alive.

As I sat on the floor, helpless and frustrated, I could only hope that the doctors would do everything in their power to save her.


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Allah hafiz 💕💕

Allah hafiz 💕💕

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