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Maryam Chaudhary

I sat on the pavement, taking in my surroundings. The thought of running away crossed my mind, but I was unsure of where to go. Danish and his henchmen could be on my trail, and I need to stay ahead of them. Glancing down at my shirt, I noticed it was soaked with blood. I knew I needed to change my bandage and clothes, but sitting on the main road pavement made it difficult to find a discreet place to do so.

With a heavy sigh, I stood up and grabbed my bag, feeling the urgency to find a safe spot to change. As I walked, my thirst became unbearable, and I decided to stop at a small shop nearby. Standing in front of the shopkeeper, I requested a water bottle, which he quickly handed to me. I paid for it and sat down, taking slow sips and trying to gather my thoughts.

Should I go to Amna's home for her sister's marriage? I can enjoy the functions and take a break from the chaos in my life. As I zipped my water, the thought crossed my mind. Should I give her a call? After some internal debate, I decided to dial her number.

"Where have you been? I've called you so many times", Amna questioned, her tone filled with frustration.   

"I apologize, I've been in the hospital. I just got my phone last night and finally decided to call you today", I explained with a hint of sadness in my voice. Trying to change the subject, I asked about her sister's marriage preparations. However, her response took me by surprise. 

" It's been postponed. My brother has been in an accident", she said, her voice now filled with sorrow. Feeling sympathy for her and knowing she already had her own problems, I decided not to burden her with mine.

"Why were you in the hospital?", she asked, concern evident in her voice.

"It's nothing just a viral fever", I lied smoothly. I felt a pang of guilt for lying to my best friend, but I couldn't burden her with my problems.

"Oh, take care of yourself, and yeah, bye. Ammi is calling me. Talk to you later. Love you", she said before ending the call. With a sad smile, I stood up and began to wander around the road, feeling like an orphan.

I cursed Danish silently for making me run away from my own home and leaving me to wander the streets like a beggar. Just then a car started honking incessantly. Annoyed by the sound, I turned around to see Imran standing there, one leg in the car and the on the ground with a creepy smile on his face. "That's great", I thought to myself, "I escaped from one danger only to fall into another".


Allah hafiz 💕💕

🥀I wish I could tell someone everything🥀

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