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Maryam Chaudhary

"Why are you doing this to me?", I asked, my voice trembling as I looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. He had pinned me down on the bed, his body heavy on mine.

He leaned in closer, his eyes glinting with a mixture of desire and amusement. "I couldn't resist, my love. You were a vision, your long hair cascading over the pillow, your long lashes and those pouty lips, as If they were inviting me to taste them".

His face drew closer, his lips brushing against mine. As they were about to touch. I raised my hand to my mouth, my eyes half closed.

"Cute", he mumbles, looking at my actions. He pecked back side of my hand and got off me, sitting on the bed. He took a side pillow and propped himself up, staring at me intently.

"Why are you sitting again? Just leave", I said, pointing towardsthe door.

"You are hurting me by saying that again and again", he said, his voice thick with emotion. He put his hand over his heart, as If it was aching.

I rolled at my eyes at his dramatic behavior. Just then, he grabbed my hair and yanked me towards him, "Never roll your eyes at me", he growled, his eyes narrowed.

My scalp screamed in pain as he pulled harder. "Leave my hair", I cried, tears streaming down my face.

"Never, I repeat never roll your eyes at me", he said, his voice hard. He released my hair, as I sat there sobbing.

As I sat there, consumed by a torment of tears. I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger toward myself. I should fight back, instead of crying like a pathetic child. My sobs echoed through the room a pathetic reminder of my weakness.

"Stop crying", he barked, his voice cutting through my misery. With a swift motion, he began unbuttoning his shirt.

Horror washed over me, " What are you doing?", I asked, my voice trembling with fear.

" It's hot in here", he replied, unbuttoning his shirt but leaving it on. He lay on the bed, his eyes closed.

I glanced at the wall clock. It was three in the morning, and here I'm, sitting in tears, witnessing his strange behavior, "Please, Danish". I pleaded, my eyes welled up again.

"I'm sleepy", he yawned.

"Then go home and sleep. Leave me alone", I shouted, trying to rise from the bed. But my shoulders collided with headboard, sending a sharp pain coursing through my body.

A groan escaped my lips as I clutched my shoulder. "You should have been careful", he said, standing up and rushing towards me. He examined my shoulder, which started to bleed.

" It's your fault", I cried. "If you weren't here. If you hadn't disturbed me. If you hadn't tried to show off, I said pointing at his unbuttoned shirt, "this wouldn't have happened". I stared at my blood-soaked sleeve, a symbol of my shattered body and broken spirit.

In the dim light of the room, Danish's voice cut through the silence like a sharp blade. "Here, let me change your bandage", he said, his gaze fixed on my bleeding wound.

"No, thank you", I replied, my voice firm, "and can you please leave? It's already 3:15, and my parents wake up at 4:00 in the morning", I glanced at the wall clock, its numbers taunting me.

"Let them wake up", Danish said with a nonchalant shrug. "Its not a big deal".

A surge of panic coursed through me. "If my mother sees you here with me alone, she'll question everything she's taught me. I don't want that".

"Please, Danish leave", I pleaded, my voice trembling.

"You took my name, you finally took my name without adding that word to it", he remarked with a radiant smile, a dimple forming on his left cheek as he chuckled, making him even more handsome.

What the hell am I thinking? I scolded myself. Just snap out of it, you idiot.

"Can you please stop this drama of your's and leave? You're giving me a headache now", I hissed my wound throbbing with pain.

"You think my happiness is drama?", he growled in a dangerously low voice. "Yes", affirmed, nodding my head. "You're such a brat", he muttered, pulling me closer by my arm, causing me to cry out in pain.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Jaan", he cooed, pecking my arm repeatedly. His personality seemed to shift with alarming speed.

"You bipolar b#t#h, let go of my hand!", I snapped, sinking my teeth into his flesh with all my might. He instantly withdrew it, hissing and rubbing the spot where I had bitten him.

I laughed mockingly at him, as he nursed his bitten hand.


Allah hafiz 💕💕💕

🥀I'm bewitched by you, mesmerized by your every word and gesture. I can't escape the enchantment of your love, and I wouldn't want to🥀

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