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Maryam Chaudhary

"Assalamualaikum", I greeted without any emotion in my voice, feeling a sense of frustration as I saw Imran bhai's presence.

"Walaikumasalam", Imran bhai replied with a smile on his face, adding to my annoyance. His personality always rubbed me the wrong way, making me wonder why was he here.

"Why are you here?", I asked, my tone betraying my irritation as I looked at him, waiting for an answer.

"Khala called me and told me to pick you up", he explained, attempting to take my bag from my hand. I couldn't help but wonder when exactly she had made the call.

"When did she call you?", I questioned, feeling a sense of unease creeping in. Why did mama do this to me, forcing me to rely on someone I disliked so much?

Just as I had requested, when she called, his phone rang.

" It's your mother", he said, passing me his phone. I took the phone from his hand and held it to my ear, feeling a rush of anxiety as mama's urgent voice came through.

"Ap log wahan se niklo. Danish aa rha h", she said, her words causing my heart to race and my palms to sweat in fear. And then came the ominous instruction to switch off my mobile, adding to the sense of urgency and dread in her voice.

As she ended the call, I stood there in shock, trying to process the weight of her words - He is coming, he is coming to make my life even more miserable.

I stood frozen in place, my heart racing, as I processed the fact that he was on his way. Imran bhai slowly reached out his towards my shoulder, causing me to instinctively step back, a mix of fear and anger rising within me.

"What are you doing?", I demanded, my voice laced with irritation as shot him a piercing glare. His response was calm as he explained.

"I was checking your shoulder - your shirt is covered in blood", I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I realized he was only trying to help me.

"Let's just leave from here", I suggested, handing him my bag and leading the way towards his car. The sight of his black swift, my favorite colour, momentarily distracted me, but I quickly refocused my thoughts. Shaking my head, I settled into the passenger seat, trying to calm my nerves as we drove away.


Danish Raza Mir

I'm really happy today, finally I'm going to marry Maryam today, make her mine in every possible way. She will be mine, her body, soul, mind, love - everything will be mine. I thought giggling while looking myself in the mirror, envisioning the life we would build together.

Just then, Azaan entered the room, also dressed in a black kurta pajama.

"Let's go bhai", he said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. But I didn't care about his demeanor, all I could think about was marrying Maryam and making her mine forever. The excitement and anticipation of the day ahead filled me with a sense of joy and contentment that I had never felt before.

Today, was the beginning of our new life together, and I couldn't wait to start this journey with the love of my life by my side.


Allah hafiz 💕💕

🥀 Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with?🥀

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