102 11 0

Maryam Chaudhary

I hurriedly stood up from the bed, my heart racing as I made my way towards the bag that mama had packed for me. The voices downstairs grew louder, causing a knot of fear to tighten in my stomach. Was Danish threatening baba, or had his father arrived as well? The thoughts sent shivers down my spine. Mama had warned me that if things got out of control, I had to run away. And now, it seemed like that time had come.

I grabbed the bag from the bed and placed it on the floor, my hands trembling slightly. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Should I stay and face whatever was happening outside, or should I make a run for it as mama had instructed? The sound of Danish's voice grew more menacing, and I knew I couldn't stay any longer.

I walked over to the window and peered outside, my heart pounding in my chest. The drop to the ground below didn't seem too high, considering it was just a one-storey building. But the fear of jumping filled me with dread. What if I hurt myself? What if I didn't make it? Despite my fear, I knew I had to take the risk. With a deep breath, I climbed out onto the window ledge, ready to make my escape.

I stood on the window ledge, the cold glass pressing against my palms as I tightly grip my bag in one hand. My legs trembled beneath me as I stare down at the unforgiving ground below. The thought of Danish entering the room sends a shiver down my spine, urging me to make a decision quickly. I know I have to escape before he catches me. With a quick prayer to Allah for help, I take a deep breath and leap off the ledge.

The wind rushes past me as I fall, landing hard on the ground with a sharp pain shooting through my shoulder. Tears well up in my eyes from the impact, but I quickly push myself up, biting back a cry of pain. Clutching my shoulder, I groan softly and make my way through the garden, trying to remain unnoticed.

Hiding behind a mango tree, I peek out and see four men standing nearby, each holding a gun. Fear grips my heart as I watch them converse, my throat dry as I swallow nervously. Closing my eyes tightly, I open them to find the men still distracted by their conversation. Slowly, I inch past them, trying to be as silent as possible.

As I finally step out of the gate, relief washes over me and break into a sprint, the sound of someone shouting, "bhabhi bhaag rahi hai", echoing in the distance. I run as fast as my legs can carry me, praying that I can escape this dangerous situation unscathed.

I ran as fast as I could, my heart pounding in my chest as I pushed myself to keep moving forward. The pain in my shoulder was excruciating, but I knew I had to keep going. I made a split-second decision to take a shortcut road that would lead me to the main road, hoping to outmaneuver anyone who might be following me.

As I ran, I could feel the blood seeping through the fabric of my shirt from the wound on my shoulder. The metallic taste of it filled my mouth, but I gritted my teeth and pushed through the pain. I couldn't let this slow me down, not when my life was on the line.

In the distance, I could see the main road looming ahead. Panic set in as I realized that I didn't have any money on me. But then I remembered that mama had encouraged me to run away, and she might have hidden some money in my bag without my knowledge. I clung to that hope as I ran, the sound of my pounding footsteps echoing in my ears.

Finally, I reached the pavement of the main road, panting heavily as I scanned my surroundings for any sign of danger. To my immense relief, I saw no sign of Danish or his henchmen following me. A wave of gratitude washed over me as I realized that, for now at least, I was safe.


Allah hafiz 💕💕

🥀Even the toughest days have only 24 hours 🥀

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