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Danish Raza Mir

"These three were following us from the ice cream shop, so we were running away to avoid them", a girl with black hair said.

The moment I heard those words escape her mouth, I saw red. How dare they follow my sweetheart and possibly even touch her inappropriately. My anger knows no bounds.

"Tum dono ne bahut daudaya", a man with pot belly and dirty smile said, placing his hand on my sweetheart's shoulder.

"Go and die somewhere else", my sweetheart responded.

As soon as she pushed his hand away from her shoulder, I pulled out my hand gun and began firing him without hesitation. How dare he think he can touch her without consequences. My anger burned within me and I unleashed a hail of bullets in his direction, not aiming for any specific spot but letting my fury guide my actions. He had crossed a line and he has paid for it.

"What the hell bhai!" Haider, shouted snatching the gun from my hand.

"I can't help it. I did what I thought was right", I responded glaring at him. I heard whimpering sounds beside me and turned to see my sweetheart with wide eyes, tears streaming down her face as she looked at the man I had just killed.

Why is she crying for him? I killed him because he touched her.

"Stop crying", I said firmly, stepping closer to her. She trembled, her eyes locked on mine as she slowly started to back away. The sound of her sobs began to subside, morphing instead into hiccups that racked her body.

"Why are you crying for him?", I asked as I stood infront of her. She looked up at me, her eyes red from crying, her hair messy. Despite her disheveled appearance, she looked cute to me.

She vehemently shook her head while tears streamed down her face, clutching her injured leg in agony.

"Stop fucking crying!", I shouted fiercely, venting my frustration as I kicked the lifeless body of the man on the ground.

She wipes her face with her dupatta as I stood there watching the dead body I had just kicked. Where are the other two bastards? I thought as I searched for them, frantically looking around the area.

I turn around to see my sweetheart hugging her friend while sitting on the road. I can tell by the pained expression on her face that her ankle must be hurting a lot. It breaks my heart to see her in pain.

So, I approach Haider who was speaking on the phone. Without hesitation, I grabbed the mobile from his hand and promptly ended the call he was on.

"I want you to drop Maryam and her friend home and then find the other two bastards within 2 hours", I told him as I handed him the phone.

"Ok", he replied keeping his phone in his pocket.

"Get up, both of you", I said as I approached them, but they were too engrossed in staring at the life less body infront of them.

"Are you both deaf or something? I clearly said get up!", I shouted loudly, causing them to tremble at the intensity of voice.

Seeing my sweetheart struggling and in pain, with tears in her eyes as she gets up with help from her friend, fills me with rage. I vow to find the two fuckers and make them suffer until they beg for their own death.

"Haider will drop you home", I said taking a puff of my smoke.

"We will go on our own", my sweetheart murmurs, holding her friend's hand as they walk away.

"Where do you think you are going?", I demanded, pulling her back forcefully, causing her friend to stumble back as well.

"Let me go", she said attempting to break free from my tight grip on her hand.

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