chapter 29.

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a/n: flashbacks are italicized

Author's POV

A flicker of worry crossed Momo's face as she glanced at Sana. She could only imagine how Sana might have felt if she remembered their history together.

If only she could remember that this guy sitting across from her was her first love.

Even though he wasn't her first boyfriend.

Momo saw how their eyes sparkled whenever they were together back then.

She witnessed how they truly loved and cared for each other as friends and as lovers. They were inseparable.

In another life, maybe they would've been walking down the aisle hand-in-hand.

If only things hadn't turned out the way they did, they might be happily married now, maybe even talking about starting a family, just like Jimin and Mina earlier.

What impressed Momo the most was how Jungkook handled their breakup, because despite everything that happened, he seemed to pick himself up so quickly.

Earlier, he also looked so natural and comfortable when they were hanging out in the kitchen.

On top of all that, he was the one who brought Sana back to Busan.

He never seemed to carry the heavy burden of pain that Sana had caused when she left him.

Maybe he was just so good at hiding his pain from everyone.

Or maybe, he genuinely moved on.

Momo would never know. Among all of them, Jungkook's mind was the most difficult to read.

Unlike Jimin, who was obviously still feeling resentful towards Sana for what she did to his best friend. But it was understandable, given Jimin's protective nature towards Jungkook, whom he regarded as a younger brother for years.

Sana's actions had hurt them all.

However, Momo, Mina, and Hoseok found it relatively easy to forgive her.

After all, she was still their Sana, despite everything.

Momo felt a familiar itch to break the talk about the whole Jungkook and Rosé pregnancy topic, so she did what she did best ― diverting everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone, enough pregnancy topic for now! Let's talk about happier times, yeah? Fill Sana in on all the fun memories she missed. I miss sharing old stories with all of you. We hardly ever get the chance," Momo suggested before lifting her glass of champagne to her lips before Hoseok intervened.

"Why are you drinking? You're pregnant!" Hoseok scolded.

"Hoseok is right, Momo. Just stick to soda or water, you shouldn't be getting drunk," Mina gently advised.

"She got drunk the other night," Sana piped up.

"What?! You got drunk?!" Hoseok sputtered. "Momo, no more drinking for you! Alcohol isn't good for the little one!" He quickly grabbed the glass from her hand and poured the remaining liquid into his own.

Jungkook stood up and headed to the cooler, grabbing a bottle of beer. "Okay, let's start telling stories now," he said as he settled back into his seat.

Several years ago

Momo and Sana's friendship traced all the way back to tenth grade.

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