chapter 25.

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Sana's POV

I've been staying with Momo for a while now.

Every sunrise, she'd yank me out of bed to join her on her morning jogs along the beach.

One crisp morning, she confessed that this was because she kept worrying I might run away again if she left me alone.

She suggested that maybe the reason I didn't like staying at my aunt's was because I felt lonely there.

The house was empty most of the time because they were always at work and at school while I was all alone surrounded with reminders of my past that I couldn't even remember at all.

But here, on the beach with Momo, things felt different. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was like a calming lullaby. The early morning jogs chased away the haunting thoughts that used to crowd my mind when I felt alone.

Momo's house was nestled in a more secluded area away from the bustling town. It was quiet here, but it wasn't lonely, maybe it was mostly because I had Momo with me.

We always talked about our lives and I was starting to grow more and more at ease opening up about mine. However, I realized that much of my existence in Seoul had revolved around my husband, a fact Momo openly disapproved of.

And whenever I would mention my him, she wouldn't hold back in expressing how weirded out she was by him, yet she still acknowledged that it was my choice and she could only vent her frustrations about it.

So I let her share her own experiences ― since she had more stories to tell than I did.

She told me that she had moved to Japan even before I departed Busan, worked as model, earned lots of money, and met famous celebrities and models.

Our communication was limited to long-distance back then. Despite the miles between us, we remained close. When she discovered I had left Busan with Eol, who I later learned was my late husband's former name, she was completely shocked. But she couldn't do anything much about it, because I had suddenly cut off ties with her and everyone else after I left.

She kept saying how strange all of my decisions were. But honestly, how could I understand how my own mind worked at that point? Maybe things were overwhelming for me back then.

There must be a reason I just left Busan.

But for now, getting that specific memory back feels impossible. Maybe someday, though.

In the meantime, I can only hope that I'll be able to remember my memories again.

Even just tiny fragments of them.

It's Saturday. Momo had set up a party later ― a reunion with some of our old friends, people she hadn't seen in ages and of course, people I would encounter for the first time after I lost my memories.

Momo figured it would be a good chance for me to get to know more about myself through the people I used to hang out with, and maybe recall some fun memories of the past.

I honestly felt so nervous just thinking about her plan. I wasn't sure if I was ready to face so many unfamiliar faces at once.

But deep down, despite the worry, I couldn't help but agree with Momo.

We were now prepping the ingredients for the party when she suddenly blurted out that she was craving for an ice cream cake and crab meat.

Grabbing her phone and car keys, she announced, "I'm just running out to grab an ice cream cake and crab meat, okay? You stay here. Someone will be here to keep you company soon."

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