chapter 19.

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Sana's POV

I found myself awake as Mikyung began preparing breakfast. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I saw that it was quarter to six in the morning.

After breakfast, I hopped into a quick shower and then dove into my closet, searching for something to wear. I was stunned by the sheer amount of clothes packed inside. Rows of different colors, fabrics, and styles greeted me as I ran my fingers along the hangers. On top of the divider, a collection of colorful accessories added to the mix.

While most of the clothes were in light and breezy colors, my attention was drawn to a dark garment hanging at the far end. I pulled it out, revealing a large black hoodie with a small pink bunny patch stitched onto the chest. The hoodie draped loosely over me, almost reaching my thighs. I paired it with a pair of jeans I spotted neatly folded on the side.

It felt comfortable at least, but I couldn't shake the feeling that my comfort stemmed more from worry than genuine ease.

Suddenly, someone's words echoed in my mind.

"You used to enjoy wearing nice clothes because you felt beautiful in them.

It wasn't about impressing others...

it was about feeling good about yourself, and that's what I admired about you."

But as my gaze drifted to the pictures on the wall, I hesitated, torn between the other colorful clothes in my closet and the oversized hoodie swallowing me whole.

But before I could decide, a knock interrupted my thoughts. "Honey, are you ready? Taehyung is here," Mikyung's voice called from outside the door.

"Uh, yes! I'll be right there," I replied hastily, rushing out of the bedroom.

As we headed out of the house, Mikyung shot me a questioning look. "Isn't it a little hot for that sweatshirt, Sana? It's supposed to be even warmer today."

I shook my head. "No, I'm okay."

Sure enough, the sun was beaming down brightly, and the air was starting to feel a bit thick and muggy. This is why I can't stand warm weather.

All three of us were squeezed in the front seat. My Aunt Mikyung the one seated on the driver's seat while I was squeezed in between her and Taehyung.

Taehyung seemed all friendly, because he immediately started a conversation with me, catching me off guard, "So you just came home from Seoul? How was it?"

"It was alright," was all I could muster in response. Memories of my time there flooded my mind-days filled with struggle, hunger, and the constant threat of homelessness. Even before that, life with my husband in Seoul had been a constant battle.

But I couldn't bring myself to voice these thoughts. I was still getting used to interacting with others.

I was still adjusting to a lot of things.

The fact that people now began calling me a different name I didn't know I had and the fact that these people was claiming to be my family when I couldn't remember their faces ― it was all overwhelming.

My tongue felt tied. I was still guarded around these people. I was still scared.

As if he could sense my discomfort, Taehyung skillfully steered the conversation, sharing his own experiences in Seoul.

I learned that Taehyung is my second cousin, my aunt's cousin's eldest son. He went to Seoul for a while to study at a big university, but things didn't go well. His grades weren't good enough for him to graduate. Studying wasn't as easy as he thought, and the bustling city life left him feeling squeezed and out of place. Deep down, he knew it wasn't the life he truly craved.

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