chapter 21.

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Sana's POV

As I was aimlessly wandering the unfamiliar streets, my feet led me to a path that led straight to a sandy beach. It stretched out before me like a giant, welcoming hug.

It called to me, luring me in.

Ever since I arrived here in Busan, I've longed to visit the beaches. I remembered the drive with Jungkook that day, I caught glimpses of the coastline that seemed to go on forever ― something my whole life in Seoul hadn't let me experience.

While I hadn't explored much of Seoul, being in Busan felt so different. The abundance of water bodies we passed by was all breathtakingly beautiful.

Back in Seoul, I'd often find peace by the Han River, watching the beauty of the sunset reflect on the waters until I drifted into sleep.

But here in Busan, it felt more tranquil. The sound of the waves crashing by the shore was like a lullaby to my ears with the absence of large crowds of tourists and locals, which adds to the serenity.

There's an inexplicable beauty to the waters that has always captivated me.

The way my feet sank into the sand with each step gave me a therapeutic feeling I couldn't explain. The sea breeze hugged my senses, its scent drawing me closer.

I sat on the sand and gazed out at the horizon. The sky painted a masterpiece, its hues blending seamlessly, gracefully shifting from vibrant shades to the velvety darkness of night.



My eyes snapped open at somebody's voice calling me that name again. I didn't realize that I'd been dozing off, one minute laying on the sand, the next sinking into a hazy sleep.

It was dark, but not completely. The faint glow of the streetlights were enough to illuminate the face of the person hovering above me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as her big eyes looked at me with concern.

I fumbled to my feet, backpack clutched tightly to my chest. "Who are you?" My voice came out hoarse.

Her wide eyes scanned my face for a long moment before replying, "It's Momo, Sana. Your best friend. The jokbal queen."

I just stared at her, blinking in confusion.

My best friend? Even with that kind of introduction, I wouldn't be able to recognize her.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips. "So, it's really true..." she started, her voice trailing off. Her eyes searched mine with deep worry painting her features, "Jungkook told me you can't remember anything."

Her gaze then flickered down to the bulky backpack I clutched tightly, "Are you going somewhere?"

Honestly, I wasn't in the mood to explain myself to anyone.

"Are you planning to run away again?" her voice was firm and there was a hint of disappointment in her face. "Sana, I came rushing back to Busan just to see you when I received a call from Jungkook that you're home already. Don't tell me I almost wasted my trip if I hadn't caught you here," she blurted out, catching me off guard.

My mouth gaped open, but closed again with a defeated sigh.

"I can't stay here anymore, I don't belong here," I finally spilled out the truth in a low mumble.

It seemed like I had no other choice but to tell her the truth or my guilt would eat me up inside for lying.

"What do you mean?" she countered gently. "This is where you belong, Sana. This will always be your home."

Her warm hand reached out, then with a determined clasp, it wrapped around mine. Before I could object, she was gently pulling me away from the beach, leading me back to the pavement.

"What are you doing?" I tried to free from her grasp, but she was too strong ― either that or I just lacked the strength to resist her pull.

"My place," she declared firmly, surprising me. "We'll have a drink, looks like you and I need it."

I furrowed my brows, trying to process her words. Before I could protest further, we were already in her car.

She buckled my seatbelt while my body remained frozen.

Everything was happening so fast and my brain was struggling to catch up. But it felt like I really had no other choice but to follow along.

The next thing I knew, we had come to a halt in front of a quaint two-story house.

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