chapter 27.

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Sana's POV

We were almost done preparing the dishes, but it was still early. We had nearly two whole hours to spare to clean up for the party later.

To be honest, Jungkook did almost all the work without a single recipe book in sight.

The whole time, he worked in comfortable silence, occasionally breaking it with a polite request for a hand with minor tasks.

I'm not good in cooking. My culinary knowledge was more like a sprinkle of seasoning compared to his full spice rack.

That was why the after-meal cleanup duties would always fall to me.

Back then, my husband used to cook for me too. He wasn't amazing, though. Sometimes the food came out burnt, too salty, or too bland, but I still ate it.

On the contrary, every dish Jungkook cooked today tasted amazing.

The front door creaked open, and Momo's cheerful voice echoed through the house, announcing her arrival, "I'm back! And Hoseok's with me!"

"About time," Jungkook sighed as footsteps shuffled down the hallway.

"Jungkook!" the man said in a loud, playful groan. Jungkook laughed and made the same groaning sound back. "Hoseok!"

Suddenly, Hoseok's grin faltered, eyes widened in shock when he caught sight of me, "Hold on... Sana???"

"Sana? Is that really you???" He repeated, taking steps toward me.

I felt a bit awkward, unsure of what to do next. How should I greet him? Finally, I took a hesitant step forward and decided to give a polite bow. "H-hello," I mumbled.

"This is Hoseok, one of our close friends we met in high school," Momo said.

Momo's explanation seemed to baffle Hoseok as his eyes remained glued to me. "Hoseok," Momo continued, her voice softening, "she has amnesia. She can't remember us right now."

Her words seemed to have little effect on Hoseok, whose eyes remained comically wide. "Amnesia?" he echoed, eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Why? What happened?" He casted a worried glance my way, then his gaze darted to Jungkook, who stood silently beside me.

Before I could even answer him, Hoseok whipped a finger at me, then another to the man next to me. "You two, back together?"

"No," I blurted out.

Jungkook just let out a chuckle as he turned towards the kitchen sink and started washing the dirty pots and pans.

Momo stepped forward, a smile playing on her lips. "Actually," she explained casually, "Sana lives with me now." She walked over to the refrigerator, it's cool air whooshing out as she opened the door. She carefully placed the ice cream cake on a shelf. Then, she turned to a bag on the counter and began taking out packages of crab meat.

"Really? Wow," Hoseok murmured, taking a seat on the stool by the counter. He rested his elbow on the counter and propped his chin on his hand, staring at me with wide eyes filled mostly with astonishment. Feeling a bit embarrassed under his intense gaze, I avoided his eyes and started fiddling with the edge of my apron.

"I never thought I'd see you again, Sana. If it's alright to ask... what happened to you? Why can't you remember anything?" Hoseok watched me closely, his forehead creasing and his brows furrowing.

"There was a car accident a few years ago," I replied quietly, meeting his gaze hesitantly.

"Ommo! Are you okay?" Concern etched deeper lines on his face. "Are you hurt?"

On That Day We | sakookWhere stories live. Discover now