chapter 9.

49 6 1

Busan, South Korea
March 2016

Author's POV

The last class of the day had finally wrapped up. With only two subjects on her schedule, it wasn't a very hectic day for Sana. Graduation was around the corner, so her workload had definitely lightened.

Despite the warmth of the day, traces of the winter chill lingered in the air. Sana was wearing her off-white half-zip mock neck sweatshirt over a white tee, faded blue pants, and comfortable sneakers, simple but ideal outfit for the weather. Her confidence always radiated through her clothes. It had been her own unspoken rule growing up, never stepping out the house without making sure that she looked at least decent. She dreamed of becoming a famous fashion stylist someday.

Sana was walking down the stairs, phone in hand, when it suddenly buzzed and lit up. When she glanced at the screen, her eyes instantly zeroed in on the sender of the text notification, nearly causing her to trip. Luckily, a quick arm reached out, steadying her.

"Woah, careful there!" An antsy voice cut through Sana's surprise. With a shy smile, she bowed an apology to the elderly woman, assumingly a professor, who was clearly not having it.

Jungkook's been all over Sana lately. Ever since he left for London last January, they've been practically glued to their phones, messaging and calling each other constantly. And Jungkook would suddenly drop these flirting lines out of nowhere. She had gotten used to it, knowing him.

But truth be told, she still got flustered every time.

She knew Jungkook liked her. He confessed before leaving for London last January but respected her space after her break-up with Mark and remained a reliable confidant in those times. 

However, after she confided in him that she'd fully moved on and it was clear in her interactions that she was finally in a much better place than before, Jungkook switched gears. He began flirting with her nonstop, never wasted a minute.

Sana always tried to block his flirting, but he's Jeon Jungkook. He's persistent, he's unstoppable, and she secretly enjoyed every bit of it.

Reaching the bottom step, she quickly unlocked her phone again to read his messages.

Jungkook: Wanna meet up?

Her brows furrowed. Meet up? He's back? She quickly typed in a response.

Sana: When did you come back?

Jungkook: This morning. Are you free? I'll cook for you.

Sana: Sounds cool, class just ended. Where do we meet?

Jungkook: I'll pick you up. Wait for me at the bus stop.

A few minutes later, a car pulled up with Jungkook behind the wheel. His face lit up at the sight of Sana, unable to conceal his happiness. Sana mirrored his smile as she hopped in. "Wow, this car yours?"

"Yeah, I got it before I flew to London last time," Jungkook said, a little sheepish. "Jimin hyung took care of it for me while I was away."

"London boy not used to the bus life anymore?" Sana teased, raising an eyebrow.

"Not exactly," Jungkook countered playfully. "Just thought it'd be easier to get around and, you know, take you to dates and whatnot." He trailed off, his eyes straight on hers, making her avert her gaze. Flirting just came naturally to Jungkook. Sana couldn't take it sometimes.

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