chapter 7.

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Author's POV

Nayeon was ready to head out, shuffling towards the door of Seokjin's apartment. Seokjin, mid-game, pleaded with her to hold on a minute. But Nayeon's good-natured pestering effectively distracted him. With a sigh, he eventually gave up and decided to walk her to the bus stop.

As they stepped out of the unit, a gasp escaped Nayeon's lips so loud it startled Seokjin, making him flinch "What, what?" he exclaimed, heart leaping to his throat.

Nayeon pointed a finger at the stairs. "Is-is that Jeon Jungkook?" Her eyes were wide as she kept swatting Seokjin's arm. "Why are you hitting me?! Who is that?" he sputtered, completely lost with whatever caused her to react that way.

"I wonder what he's doing here... You think it's okay to take a picture with him?" Before Seokjin could answer, she was already halfway down the stairs, on her way to Jungkook.

Seokjin, left standing outside his door, pulled out his phone, and typed the name Nayeon had said earlier. A quick search brought up countless photos and information about the guy, instantly filling him in on who he is.

Jeon Jungkook

Age: 30 years (September 1, 1993)A South Korean chef, restaurateur, and TV personality

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Age: 30 years (September 1, 1993)
A South Korean chef, restaurateur, and TV personality

He recently appeared as a guest on a popular cooking show on tvN. He also appeared on numerous cooking shows in the UK.

In addition to his TV appearances, Jungkook is the co-owner of Silver Spoon, a Michelin Star Restaurant located in Busan. He runs the restaurant alongside his cousin, Min Yoongi, who is also a renowned chef.



Nayeon was already there, deep in conversation with Jungkook. He seemed happy to grant her request for selfies, a warm, friendly smile making him look even more handsome in person.

Even if Seokjin doesn't know him, anyone could mistake Jungkook for a model, actor, or celebrity because of his undeniable aura. He just has that star quality that draws people in.

After taking numerous selfies with her now shaky hand, Nayeon, her cheeks reddened from excitement, decided to ask Jungkook why he was there.

Just as he was about to answer, the door to Janna's apartment swung open. Jungkook's head whipped in that direction, his answer for Nayeon completely forgotten. Their eyes met, but Janna quickly averted her gaze. She was still uncomfortable with meeting new people, let alone maintaining eye contact with them.

She decided to go outside to look for a job before her landlady knocked on her door again. One obvious reason that was keeping her from landing one is how she presents herself when looking for a job. From her chapped lips and tired eyes to her unkempt hair and oversized clothing, her disheveled look showed that she neglected taking care of herself for quite some time.

This change stemmed from a fight with Wonsik in the past after Wonsik got mad at her for "looking too pretty".

It started when he noticed other men giving her looks during one of their simple walks together. His anger resulted in his rough treatment when they returned home, leaving her in tears after he forced himself on her. That was not making love. She cried out her tears, clutching the blanket and wrapping it around her naked body. She eventually forgave him the next day.

That was the time she began shrinking herself. She started ignoring her desire to dress pretty or put on makeup. Up until now, she's constantly worrying about riling him up. She wants to avoid anything that might upset him.

Nayeon practically vibrated with excitement as she spotted Janna. "Janna!" she waved, "Where are you off to?" Janna stopped short, her reply barely a whisper. "Uh, just, I'll look for a job," she stuttered.

Jungkook couldn't tear his eyes away, taking in her every move.

The closer she got, the more his gaze snagged on how she clearly looked exhausted. The rosy flush that usually painted her cheeks before was replaced by a sickly pallor that seemed to seep even into her lips. Her eyes, usually sparkling with her beautiful smile, now looked darker and dull.

The sight of her broke his heart. Even if he didn't know what happened to her all these years, her eyes tell the sleepless nights and burdens she carried alone for a long time.

But what puzzled him was that she didn't seem to recognize him.

Nayeon chirped, "A job? Perfect timing! We have some openings at the mart, you know. I can totally refer you!" A hint of joy flickered in Janna's tired eyes as she replied, "Really? Thank you."

"Sana?" Jungkook finally found the courage to speak, his gaze fixed into her eyes. Their eyes locked for the second time, but they held no recognition at all. It was as if he were a stranger, a face she'd never seen before.

He waited for her response, but she only furrowed her eyebrows, confusion was written all over her face as she looked at him.

Who is he? This question echoed in the silence that stretched between them as she searched his face for the answer. But then her heart pounded a frantic rhythm, a faint hint of the answer she couldn't quite decipher.

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