chapter 3.

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Sana's POV


Everyday is a struggle.

At least for me. I can't speak for other people.

As I walk the streets, I can't shake the feeling of being small.

Of being alone.

I never actually had any friends since my boyfriend died. Seokjin is the only person I interact with. He moved into the apartment the day after the accident.

At first, I avoided any kind of interaction with him. I was afraid.

People scared me, everyone except for Wonsik.

Wonsik used to tell me that people always have their dark sides. You can't trust them too much or they would go behind you and stab you in the back.

I couldn't go outside without him. I was never allowed to roam the streets alone like I do now. Back then, the farthest I could go to is the nearest bus stop, just a 2-minute walk from the apartment. I would always wait for him there as he would come home from work.

I trust him. Only him.

But a few days after he's gone, I started going out. I even let myself talk to Seokjin every once in a while whenever we would bump into each other outside our apartments.

It's because I want to get hurt. Maybe that way, I could be with Wonsik again.

I always want to be around random people every day. I don't talk to them. I just let myself be exposed to strangers.

Waiting. Waiting for someone who would harm me so I could reunite with my love again.

I attempted to step onto the road with the intention of getting hit by a car, but fear gripped me. Memories of his accident flooded my mind, and I couldn't bring myself to try it again. I was utterly petrified.

My favorite place is the Han River. Despite being a popular spot, it always felt serene to me. I'd visit there every morning, sometimes I would fall asleep until dark.

It's more dangerous at night, which is precisely why it's my favorite time to stroll the streets. I've made it a nightly habit, walking around every night without fail.

Seokjin happened to notice it after seeing me leave the apartment in the middle of the night a few times when he was taking out his trash.

He said that his curiosity prompted him to ask out of concern, not to pry. I just told him I work as a night cleaner, and he seemed convinced.

This morning, I heard news about a girl who got harassed by the alley just a few minutes' walk from the apartment. I had never been there before.

It was around 11 p.m. when I went out. The air was cold, but it felt comfortable. I've gotten used to it.

I decided to visit the alley where the incident happened. They said the suspect was still on the loose. According to what I heard, the victim got away, she was able to escape. While bloody and bruised, she still managed to survive.

Anyone would think I'm crazy for following the trail of the predator.

It feels senseless that I'm still here. All my life, I've only known love and care for Wonsik.

So now that he's gone, I feel like I've lost everything.

As I was walking down the dark alley, I felt someone walking behind me. I stopped.

I looked behind me but found no one.

The darkness was so suffocating, especially with no other person in sight. Ahead, it seemed even darker.

On That Day We | sakookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin