chapter 15.

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Sana's POV

I woke up the next day, feeling somewhat detached to my own soul as I peeled my eyes open. It took me a few disorienting moments to realize that I was awake already.

It felt weird, like I was in someone else's body for hours.

But what's frustrating was whatever happened in that dream, I couldn't remember them anymore. It dissipated like a vapor, leaving a lingering ache in my chest and a single tear tracing a path down my cheek.

I spent a few moments just admiring the ceiling and the plush interior of the room before rising from the bed and brushing my teeth.

Navigating around this room still felt so foreign to me. I wish I could live in a house like this someday.

I could only wish because I am broke.

And homeless.

I stood before the mirror, moving the brush back and forth across my teeth. As I blankly watched my reflection, my mind began to drift back to that dream.

I wondered why I was so immersed in it that waking up felt like ripping myself away from a world I never wanted to leave.

It left me with that kind of happiness that stung in my chest, leaving me teary-eyed when I woke up.

Whatever happened in my dream, I felt like I was longing for it. Like I was missing it for a long time.

The only clear memory is of Jungkook being there.

It's frustrating that I can't even remember just a single dream.

Just as I left the bathroom, there was a sudden knock on the door, making me jump. Peeking through the peephole, I caught sight of Jungkook. I immediately opened the door for him.

He stood there, looking effortlessly casual in a denim shirt layered over a black tee.

His neat yet striking presence is actually making me feel intimidated.

"Do you want to eat breakfast?" he asked.

As if on cue, my stomach rumbled embarrassingly loud. A blush crept up my cheeks, burning even hotter under his gaze.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said, a faint glimmer of amusement dancing in his eyes, though his lips remained devoid of a smile.


"Why are they staring?" I blurted out, feeling self-conscious as we sat at the table. Jungkook had brought me a variety of fruits I wasn't used to eating, saying it was what the doctor recommended, so there was quite a spread in front of us.

He ate calmly, seemingly unfazed, while I couldn't help but notice the attention our table was getting from those people wearing uniforms. Many were glancing our way, particularly at him, some even whispering to each other, which only added to my unease.

He hummed in response, briefly meeting my gaze before casually scanning the room.

"Maybe because I'm handsome," he replied simply, returning his focus to his meal.

I blinked, taken aback by his sudden cockiness. "I'm kidding... maybe they recognize me. I'm a regular here during my visits to Seoul."

"Or maybe they think you're pretty," he added casually before returning his attention to his meal, leaving me momentarily speechless.

Wonsik's words resurfaced in my mind.

"That can't be," I mumbled. "I can't look pretty."

I glanced up to find Jungkook looking at me with confusion. "What do you mean?" He politely asked.

"My husband," I began, feeling hesitant but his gaze made me feel the need to clear away his confusion. I stared down at my plate as I continued, "Other people can't look at me for being pretty because it'll make him mad, so..." I trailed off, the event replaying in my head. "One day, he disposed of most of my clothes and makeup, insisting that I should try to embrace my true self without those things. He loves me, that's why..."

Jungkook remained silent. I avoided meeting his gaze and focused on my meal, feeling the weight of his stare bore into me.

As I neared the end of my meal, having surprisingly devoured almost all the fruits on the table, he asked, "I'm planning on heading back to Busan today. Do you wanna come with me?"

I had already made up my mind. I want to know my family. I want to remember them, to finally meet them face to face, hoping that it would piece together my memories.

Besides, I've got nowhere else to turn to. I have no better options than to trust Jungkook, despite knowing so little about him.

"I'll come with you," I replied.

"Okay," he said. "We'll leave after breakfast."

We made a stop at a shopping mall. I wondered why.

Instead of questioning him, I simply trailed behind as he led the way. We passed rows of stores with lovely and luxurious displays of different clothing.

He entered a store, and I followed suit. Inside, I was greeted by a multitude of beautiful dresses.

Lost in admiration, I was startled when he suddenly turned to face me, catching me off guard as I almost collided onto his chest. Stepping back, I looked up at him, slightly flustered.

"Pick whatever you want," he said. "We'll visit another store later for bags, shoes, and... ah, makeup."

"I remember you used to like comfortable sweaters too, so we'll find those as well," he added thoughtfully.

As he spoke, a lady approached us and greeted us warmly. He returned the greeting with a friendly smile. "Could you help her find her size and anything else she might need? Thank you," he said to her, and she responded with a sweet smile before turning to me with a polite greeting.

Everything was happening so fast. I couldn't even protest.

"Jungkook," I called out like a lost puppy.

"Yes?" he responded, walking over to me.

"Why are you doing this? I can't wear them..." I began, but he interrupted me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"No, I want you to love yourself like before," he insisted, gently turning me to face a large mirror. "You used to enjoy wearing nice clothes because you felt beautiful in them. It wasn't about impressing others; it was about feeling good about yourself, and that's what I admired about you," he said softly, his voice almost a whisper as he spoke the last words.

Removing his hands from my shoulders, he looked directly into my eyes. "Just let me reintroduce you your forgotten self."

On That Day We | sakookWhere stories live. Discover now