chapter 17.

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Sana's POV

The room fell silent for a heartbeat, the slurps and murmurs of conversation around the restaurant fading into a muffled hum. It felt like someone had scooped out all the sound, leaving me in a quiet bubble.

"You're my ex-boyfriend," I whispered.

Maybe saying it again would make it all sink in, make sense of the confused jumble in my head, but did he really just say we were...

"Yes, we were together," he sighed, his gaze steady. "We dated for over a year."

As if sensing my confusion, he clarified, "but I'm not here with any ulterior motives, okay? And I know it won't be easy for you to trust me because, clearly, I'm a complete stranger to you right now," his sincere gaze met mine. "but I just want to take you home to your family. You suddenly left them and never visited even once. I promised them I'd find you and bring you home. That's why I'm here."

I stayed silent, still trying to make sense of it all.

There was a shift in his tone when he asked, "What really happened to you?"

I didn't realize my eyes were starting to water as I answered him, looking down. "I wish I can give you the answers. But I can't remember a thing about my past for years..." I took a deep breath as I looked up, meeting his gaze.

"Four years ago, I was in a car accident," I explained, his face turning into a confused frown. "I just woke up one day not knowing who I was. Wonsik tried to help me remember, but it didn't work. It seemed impossible." A tear fell, and I quickly wiped it away.

"It's crazy you even forgot your name," he said.

That made me wonder why I didn't know I changed my name. Wonsik never told me.

"Your friends and family ― we'll try to help you. Just give us a chance," he said after a quiet moment. "Let's go home?" I nodded and gave him a small smile.




Wonsik and I were driving somewhere. It was dark, but the moon was bright.

He was telling me a story. He looked happy. But his voice was a distant murmur that I struggled to understand, as if I were underwater.

I kept stealing glances at him, watching his every move, every gesture he was making with his hand as he happily shared me his tale.

But I wasn't listening.

I simply couldn't.

I was so scared that all I could hear is the loud thumping of my heart, growing louder and louder.

Like a ticking time bomb ready to explode.

The tight grip of my fist began to hurt, the nails digging into my palm, making me hyper-aware of every sound and every bump on the road as the car traversed the dirt road ahead.

It was then that I realized it wasn't my nails piercing my skin ― it was a sharp piece of glass I had been clutching onto.

I had to act fast, I thought.

But what am I doing?

I could only watch.

I could only watch as I eyed his neck, before suddenly lunging forward. I successfully caught him off guard as I sank the piece of glass into his shoulder. I missed ― I was aiming for his neck.

Raising my hand again, I made sure to stab it onto his neck this time. The pounding of my heart was deafening, almost breaking my ears.

His hands closed around my neck, choking the life out of me. I couldn't breathe.

The sound of honking snapped me out of it, making me gasp loudly and jolt in my seat.

It was just a dream.

"Whoa, hey," I whipped my head to see a different man in the driver's seat. "Are you okay?"

It was Jungkook. Relief flooded over me at the sight of his face.

"Yeah," I replied, still feeling the pounding in my chest. "I'm fine."

"Bad dream?" he asked.

I nodded, still catching my breath. My heart was still racing.

"Wanna talk about it? We're stuck in traffic," his gentle smile seemed to ease my nerves. It reminded me I was back in reality.

"It was weird. I don't really get it," I admitted.

"All dreams are weird. I once dreamed of being a caterpillar trying to become a butterfly, but ending up becoming a butterfly without wings," he shared.

"That's the weirdest dream I've ever heard," I chuckled.

I sighed deeply. "I dreamed about my husband. I... stabbed him," I shook my head, trying to make sense of it. "It was just so strange and scary."

"I agree, that can be scary. But maybe you just... miss him?" Jungkook suggested.

Maybe I do miss him. But I didn't want to fall asleep again. I straightened up in my seat and stared out the window. We were still stuck in traffic, so it would be a while before we could enjoy any scenery.

Jungkook reached over and tapped the screen in front of us, and music began to play, occupying the silence in the car.


It's unbelievable how quickly life can change.

Just a few days ago, my only concern was finding a job to pay the rent while occasionally thinking of jumping off a bridge and expose myself to people to put myself in harm's way so I could be with my husband again.

After he passed away, I nearly gave up hope on everything.

But then, out of nowhere, I found myself thrust into this crazy confusion of facing my lost memories.

I always thought that I'm completely alone, that I have nothing left.

I never thought I'd get this chance to meet the people I once loved.

Now I'm finally here.

In Busan.

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