Chapter 32: The assault begins

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Night came at Kouh Academy and the meeting of the Devils, Angels and Fallen Angels were about to begin. We cut to the occult research club where we see Y/n dropping off Gasper with Koneko, Eydis and Roberto.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks for agreeing to keep an eye on the place as well as Gasper.

Roberto: (smile) It's no problem Y/n.

Eydis (smile) Yeah and besides that means I can spend more time with Gasper.

Gasper: You want to spend more time with me?

Eydis: (smile) Aawww of course! Your just so ccccutteee~!

Koneko: Let's hope this meeting is quick.

Y/n: Same. I'm not much a fan of politics and other crap. I'm just hoping this will be over and done with and I can go home. Well I suppose I'll be taking off now, catch you all later.

Koneko: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Hm?

Koneko: Take care.

He node and soon leaves them be. Soon he was making his way to the school but before he can enter someone said behind him.

???: Your late.

Miss Michael and her Seven Heavenly Virues appear behind them as he turn to them and tells her.

Y/n: Really? I was about to go in.

Miss Michael: This is serious Y/n. We can't have any screw ups in any way.

???: (smile) Now Miss Michael there is no need for that. Be nice to him.

Miss Michael just roll hee eyes as a blonde angel with massive breast came over and introduce herself.

Sariel: Apologies for our leader. Allow us to introduce ourselves, my name is Sariel, The Archangel of Kindness. This is Metatron, The Archangel of Charity.

Metatron: H-H-Hello.

Gabriel: I'm Gabreiel, Archangel of Chastity! Your maybe on our side but we have mo eye on you.

Y/n: Right.

Sandalphon: I'm Sandalphon, Archangel of Dilligence.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow nice arm you have there! Made it yourself?

Sandalphon: Indeed. I'm the tech of the group.

Raphael: I'm Raphael, the Archangel of Temperance! Donut?

She hands him a donut which he accepts and takes a bit. Then he noticed the last member looking like she needed to use the bathroom.

Y/n: Hey you alright? You need to go to the bathroom?

???: N-No. I can wait.

Y/n: Huh?

Sandalphon: That's Uriel, The Archangel of Patience.

Y/n: Make sense. Well its nice to know you all.

Sariel: (smile) Same to you. We heard about you and I must say it is very impressive. A dark slayer fighting for good, such a redemption. I love who bad people change to good, it makes my heart warm.

Sandalphon: Although they die in the end.

Y/n: Yeah well I'm gonna go and head inside. Good luck.

He then enters inside and once inside he let's out a sigh when Rias came over to him.

Rias: (smile) Your looking a bit nervous of a sudden?

Y/n: Sorta. I mean I was just a Bounty hunter and now this. How did this happen.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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