Chapter 20: The kendo competition (lemon)

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It was another day at Kuoh academy as we see the students at the cafeteria and having their lunch while among the students we see Y/n sitting on the table and eating his meal as he enjoys himself as he eat. After a short while od eating both Murayama and Katase came up to his table which he turn to face them.

Murayama: (smile) Hey Y/n. Do you mind we sit with you?

Katase: (smile) If that's alright with you.

Y/n: (smile) Sure I don't mind.

The two of them sat with Y/n on the table and started chatting while Y/n finishes up his food as Murayama was in the middle telling Y/n their round against another school for the kendo competition and how they won.

Y/n: (smile) That must be tough but glad you girls won.

Murayama: (smile) I know but now we need to train for our next and final round next week and this one will be very hard.

Katase: However most of our club members doesn't believe that we can win. This other team we are facing will be very hard for us and we have no idea how to beat them.

Y/n: I see. It seems that you two might need some help. Tell you what, how's about I'll help you.

Murayama and Katase: (surprised) Really?! You can?

Y/n: Sure. True I'm maybe a guy whioe your club is filled with girls but I know some kendo skills that might be useful for your next round.

Murayama: (smile) Sounds wonderful, you sure you wanna help us?

Y/n: (smirk) Why not, sure.

Katase: (smile) Your the best Y/n!

Murayama: (smile) Yeah. Hey we gonna go now but see you after school okay?

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing girls. Later.

The two of then leave and once they leave Y/n takes a drink of his water when another student came up to him and then said.

???: So your this handsome boy all girls talked about huh?

He turn to be met with a female student with glasses while having short hair as he stared at her for sometime and then reply back.

Y/n: Yep that's me. I assume your new here?

Aika: (smirk) Right you are. The names Aika Kiryuu, nice to meet you. I heard a lot of things about you from the other girls and guys. How your attractive by other girls while a lucky son of a bitch to boy.

Y/n: Yep, that's me for sure.

Aika: (smirk) I can't really blame the girls, you are very attractive. What's your secret?

Y/n: I guess I show respect to other girls and not be creeps like Issei and his friends.

Aika: Yeah I see why. Anyways I overheard your gonna help Murayama and Katase with their club is that right?

Y/n: Yep. Figured I'll do something since this day is boring for me.

Aika: (smirk) Sounds interesting. Do you mind I come? I've met Murayama and Katase and maxe friends with the two so I figure they be alright letting me in.

Y/n: Sure I don't mind of it at all.

Aika: (smirk) Cool.

She then sat next to him while we see Issei, Matsuda and Motohama who were sitting right behind him as they overheard of everything as the trio where in tears.

Matsuda: (tears) That fucking bastard! We get kicked and beaten up if we even step close to their club but allow him in like there is no problem.

Motohama: (tears) He's gonna have first class seats watching the girls naked in the shower while we are dead last.

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