Chapter 9: The lost property

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It was the middle of the night and we see Y/n, Issei, Kiba and Koneko walking through the forest outside of Kuoh. They are searching for something very weird which is in the area they were in. Y/n was leading the group as he looks around the woods, searching this weird power but there was nothing, nothing let.

Issei yawns to himself due to the fact it's the middle of the night and it's the weekend so he ask Y/n.

Issei: So remind me again why we are out here in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night?

Y/n: I've picked up some strange magic somewhere in this area. It's hard to say but it seems someone or something must have open a portal. Either way we're here to investigate this strange force and find out what it is.

Issei: Yeah but why do I have to come? You guys seemed to be alright without me.

Kiba: (smile) Oh come on Issei this ain't so bad. Besides Rias requested you to go with us for the search remember?

Issei: But it's weekends, I should be in bed sleeping until my mum woke me up.

Koneko: Lazy.

Y/n: Hhmm this is weird. I can feel it however I can't see ut.

The four stop and search around and they couldn't find it anywhere.

Issei: Maybe there's nothing and your just imagine it?


Issei: What?

Kiba: No there is something here but I don't see it as well.

Koneko: (looks up) Found it.

They turn to Koneko to see hee looking up so they look up and see what seems like a black portal above them as they stare at it for a bit.

Kiba: What is that?

Y/n: No idea but judging how it's a unknown portal and it's black, it means whatever is at the other side can't be good.

Issei: Like a monster might jumo out of the portal and attack us?

Kiba: Maybe but we should get ready.

Koneko: I'm always ready.

They continue to stare at the portal for a bit when suddenly something came out of the portal. Something fell and within seconds it crashed on top of Y/n with a thud.

Kiba: Y/n are you okay!?

Issei: Thank hell that didn't landed on me.

Y/n groan a bit and see what landed on him. To everyone's surprise it was a young girl with small angel like wings and pink hair while wearing what seemed like armor on her body.

She then slowly moves a bit and gets up and her face met Y/n's as the two stare at each other.

Y/n: Um hi there?

Issei: Wait it's a super cute girl!? Damn it now I really want her to land on me!

Koneko: Be quiet pervert.

Then the portal above them closes and once that the young girl stare at Y/n and then touches his left cheek which felt kinda nice and then she spoke.

???: Hello my new master.

Y/n: Huh?

She then slowly stands up while Y/n also gets up as the the girl stare at him with no emotions and then continue to say.

Ikaros: My name is Ikaros and I will grant you any wishes you want. You are my master.

The four were a bit surprised while also confused as well and wonder if she is for real or not.

Highschool dxd X Op male reader: The Dark warrior of the underworld Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat