Chapter 6: The invitation

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It was the night time as we see Y/n's mansion as everyone was in their rooms asleep apart of Y/n who was just brushing his teeth on his bathroom and soon he spit into the sink and then clean his face. While he dose so he suddenly hear what seems like a tap coming from his bathroom window which he look over to see a crow at his window while having a letter at it's mouth.

He apoorch the window and then opens it as he asked the crow.

Y/n: What brings you here?

The crow leave the letter in front of him and then fly off. Y/n find it odd but he shrugged and take the letter and open it and read through and let out a smirk.

Y/n: (smirk) Huh. Well then, tomorrow is gonna be interesting.

(Next day)

We see him and Issei in class as the students sat on their desk and talking among to each other as Issei yawns to himself as the teacher came into the classroom which everyone stop talking and turn to the teacher.

Male teacher: (smile) Alright students, today we have a new transfer student here. You may come in Miss.

Soon Asia came into the class room with all the students surprised by her innocent and adorable looks as she stepped in front of the class room and turn to the students and said.

Asia: (smile) Hello my name is Asia and its very nice to be your new student. I hope we can get along.

Male student 1: Holy shit! Cute girl!

Male student 2: She's so cute!

Male student 3: (smirk) I would like her to be my friend with that cute face.

Female student 1: (smile) Whoa what an adorable and innocent girl.

Y/n: (thought) Man I remember the first time I came to this more girls looked at me more then the guys.

Asia: (smile) I'm also currently staying at Y/n's place since I don't have a place to stay.

Students: (shocked) What!!!!!!!

Matsuda: (tears) Damn you Y/n!!!!!!

Motohama: (anger) How come you always get all the girls!!!!!?????

Y/n: (thought) And now they really want to kill me now.

(Short while later)

We see Y/n and the rest at the Occult research club and they were waiting for Rias ans Akeno to come. While they waited Y/n is seen reading the note that he had gotten which Issei ask him.

Issei: Say what's that?

Y/n: Oh its just a invite to this dinner with some old friends of mine.

Kiba: (smile) Really? You must have known them for a while.

Y/n: (smirk) You can say that. Let's just say I've worked with them for a while and haven't seen them for a while. Now it seems they are inviting me to have dinner with them.

Rias: How interesting. Mind if we come?

Then Rias and Akeno came into thr room as Akeno asked Y/n.

Akeno: (smile) It's interesting that you have old friends. You must tell us about them about them.

Y/n: (smirk) They live in this different world unlike this world's hell of heaven. It's actually called "Rhode world."

Rias: Huh I never heard that?

Y/n: It's like a different world. Unlike hell of heaven it's more like.....a fantasy like world filled with mythical creatures and monsters that many people read about in fiction like stories.

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