Chapter 14: A knights princess (Lemon)

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We see Y/n back home and in the living room with the other girls as he is in the middle telling them what happened at the Rating Games with full detail. Asia agree was also there and she agree that his stories were true and soon he finish off by saying.

Y/n: (smirk) And that's when Riser became a actual chicken and teach that funker not to mess with me, Rias or anyone else.

Modeus: Wow, that was very hot.

Justice: (smirk) Man if I were they, I would hand cuffed that sucker and serve him some Justice.

Ceberus: That must have been very cool!

Ikaros: So what happened next?

Y/n: Oh well nothing much, we all return back home, got some dinner to celebrate and then head home, oh yeah, Rias did say that she'll text me today.

Lucifer: What for?

Y/n: She told me she wants to thank me for helping her.

Lucifer: (smirk) Well I can tell she wants to go on a special date with you.

Y/n: (smirk) Maybe, plus I think we both deserve some break due to all the training and the battle.

Then Y/n's phone beeped which he pull put and it was Rias so he gets up and tells everyone.

Y/n: (smirk) Looks like I'm being called, see you girls later.

Asia: (smile) Good luck Y/n and don't forget our date.

Modeus: And mine as well.

Y/n: (chuckle) Don't worry I will, catch you all later!

He open his front door and closes as he turn and wa met with Grayfia as the two stood there for a bit until Y/n was the first to spoke.

Y/n: You that maid girl name Grayfia right? What brings you here?

Grayfia: I've come here by the Gremory family to thank you.

Y/n: Thank you? For what?

Grayfia: You see, disbite Riser strength and power, he'll do anything in his power to succeed. He did hired someone to kill you and try to kill Issei during the Rating game.

Y/n: Yeah that's right?

Grayfia: They were both glad ans surprised how you defeated Riser and put him in his place. They are interested of your power and combat and they are glad Rias has chosen the right person to marry with.

Y/n: (smirk) Well for now I think she wants to stay with me as a person she loves. I don't think she's not ready to marry me yet. Well I'm gonna go now, catch you later.

He walked pass her and was about to walk up to the gate when Grayfia called out to him.

Grayfia: Then perhaps would you be interested if we call you for work?

He stopped and turn to Grayfia as she goes on to explain.

Grayfia: The Gremory family sees that you are a Bounty hunter that hunts down any threats such as creatures or evil spirits. Perhaps you would be interested we call you to complete some jobs. We can pay you a lot of money if you do decide to be our go-to Bounty hunter.

Y/n:.....As long Rias family stay away from our relationship and allow hee daughter to do whatever she wants, I'll be their Bounty hunter.

Grayfia: Thank you. We'll be looking forward getting to know you more.

He nodes and leaves the area as he hop into his motorcycle bike and rides off to see Rias to start the day.

(Hours later)

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