Chapter 31: Sona's sister?!

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We see Y/n and Gasper visiting Eric's kingdom and we cut to the living room where we see Eric, Alice, Alex, Eydis, Roberto, Jeanne, Mordred and Artoria in the living room and were looking at Gasper who has a bag over his head with eye holes as Y/n explain to them everything about Gasper while they listen.

Y/n: And that's Gasper's orgin story. He may not be good as a fighter but he has a cool power. So any questions?

Alice: (rais her hand) And you saying Gasper is half vampire?

Y/n: (smile) Correct.

Roberto: How interesting. We never encounter a vampire for sometime.

Alex: What's even more interesting Gasper isn't intimated more.......afraid.

Gasper: (nervous) H-Hi.

Jeanne: (smile) Still you can't admit he is cute.

Eric: And Head wearing a dress because?

Y/n: He wants to be cute.

Roberto: Huh well it's not like he's a pervert and some men usually wear womens dress.

Eydis: Yeah. Its nice to meet you Gasper. Please don't be afraid....we're Y/n's friends.

Gasper: (nervous) O-Okay. I'm sorry.

Eydis: (giggle) Your just so cute.

Eric: (light chuckle) How about you all show Gasper around while me and Y/n have a chat.

They agree and they take Gasper away and once gone Eric tells Y/n.

Eric: So how are things?

Y/n: Well let's see. It seems that the leaders of the angels, devil's and fallen angels seems to want to have a talk and form an alliance. They will have a meeting next week in Kouh School. Although they could pick out a better location than a school. Seriously is the school somehow a white house?

Eric: We need to be sure the meeting will go well. If what rumours saying is true then the Khaos Brigade is the greatest threat we ever have.

Y/n: Yeah I can understand why. So any idea where they are right now?

Eric: No we haven't but if they find out about this then this could lead to trouble.

Y/n: Yeah and nobody likes trouble.

Then Eric gets up and walks over to a window and looks out while he tells Y/n.

Eric: This is serious Y/n. We can't afford anything if this alliance is broken apart. I trust that you can bring them all together.

Y/n: Yeah but here's the thing. I'm no hero. I'm a dark warrior who is also a badass mercenary who strikes fear to my enemies. If anyone should be doing this it would be you.

Eric: I wanted you to do it so that way both race will see that a dark slayer is united both race together to fight a common enemy. I know your not much as a hero but know that everyone will appreciate you after what you did.

Y/n: (sigh) Right. So what about yourself?

Eric: I'll also attend the meeting while my knights will protect the school. We need to be sure the meeting will go well without any trouble.

Y/n: Even though there might be?

Eric: (small chuckle) Guess I might have jinxed it didn't I?

Y/n: (smirk) A little bit.

Then Y/n's phone beeped so he pull it out and sees it is Sona so he gets up and reads her text.

Eric: What is it?

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