Chapter 13: Let the games begin

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Rias and the rest have completely their training and now they are ready to face Risee and his household so Rias will not have to marry Riser.

They teleported to the Rating games and they appear but this confuses Isses as they see they were teleported into the Occult research club as he looked around and said.

Issei: Um why are we at our club?

Rias: (smile) It may look like our club but look outside.

Issei did so as he look out of the window and was shocked to see the sky completely different, showing a purple galactic like sky above them.

Issei: (shocked) Wow! This is soo cool!

Asia: (surprised) So this is what the Rating game looks like.

Akeno: (smile) Well we can make the battlefield to be anything we want, in this, its the copy of our school.

Y/n: (smirk) Huh nice. This place gets a gold star for good digital and other things.

Akeno let out a giggle and then a voice of Sona can be heard.

Sona: (speaker) Rias Household has enter the Game, the Rating Game can begin now.

Issei: Was that Sona?

Koneko: She and Tsubaki must be the announcers of the Rating Game.

Y/n: (smirk) Make sense. So got a game plan here Rias?

Rias: (smile) I'm glad you ask. If I'm right, Riser and his house hold must be being held inside the school. We need to reach to the school and defeat him so we can end the game. My plan is simple, Y/n, Akeno and Koneko will scout ahead and see what you three can find. The rest of us will stay here and call us once you see something.

Y/n: Sure thing Rias. Be back possibly a long while, Issei try not to do anything stupid while we're gone.

Issei: Just go alright!

Y/n: (smirk) Sure thing, bye~!

Then the trio walked off and leave the room while Rias smiled while Issei sees this and gets a bit jealous while outside we see a mysterious figure watching them as the figure goes after Y/n so he can complete his job.


We see Striker is seen flying through the sky, searching for anything while Akeno's tiny demon creature we're on the ground and Koneko's kittens named Shiro is seen leaping through tree branches as three of Y/n, Koneko and Akeno's familiar scout ahead while we see the trio standing and waiting for their return.

Y/n: (smile) Gonna say Koneko, your familiar is one adorable kitten.

Koneko: (little blush) Th-Thanks.

Akeno: (giggle) Don't be like that, he's being nice.

Y/n: So how powerful you thinm Risers household are? They can't be that strong right?

Akeno: Well we maybe outnumbered but I'm sure we can take them on.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Your right.

Then Striker fly back and landed on Y/n's arm as Striker hawks like he is telling him something.

Y/n: Seems Risee is splitting off his members to different points of the rating game.

Akeno: Right, I'll inform Rias.

Akeno does so while Striker noticed something and glare at something behind Y/n which he noticed and turn around and sees what looked like a fog rolling in as Akeno and Koneko turn and see it.

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