Chapter 27: Work hard, swim harder (lemon)

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We see Xenovia at Y/n's living room as she explain her reason becoming a devil to Y/n, Lucifer and Asia as Y/n takes a sip of his soda while they listened.

Y/n: So after finding out the gods are dead you decided to abandon your angel ways and become a devil?

Lucifer: I mean don't you think it is a bit....over dramatic much?

Xenovia: Without God there is no reason for me to be an angel. Besides I feel betrayed knowing that the high angels kept this secret all this time. I don't feel right staying with the angels.

Asia: What about Irina?

Xenovia: She didn't take it well. She was very disappointed on me and after that we go our separate ways.

Lucifer: So you didn't tell her that the gods are dead?

Xenovia: I was worried this might break her belief of god.

Lucifer: Well I'm sure she'll get over with it soon or later.

Asia: Still I feel bad for the both of you, I'm very sorry.

Xenovia: It's fine. I figure I come here as a place of Sanctuary if yous don't mind?

Y/n: Sure. You can stay here as long as you like.

Xenovia: Thanks you. I very appreciate your kindness.

Y/n: (smile) Hey don't want you to live in an abandoned church where it is freezing.

Xenovia: (little giggle) True.

Then Y/n's phone goes off so he pulled it out and sees its from Rias as a text message.

Y/n: Huh looks like Rias is invited me to this pool place they are cleaning and after that have some fun.

Asia: (smile) That sounds great.

Lucifer: (smirk) Agree. Mind if we come?

Y/n: Sure. What about you Xenovia? Your in?

Xenovia: If you want I suppose I'll join.

Y/n: (smile) Cool. Let's get over stuff and head over there right away.

(Hours later)

They arrived at the place and once there they see that the pool looks neat as they see that they have cleaned it before they came.

Rias: (smile) Yous came just in time.

Then Rias came over to them as they turn to her.

Y/n: (smirk) Guess this is for the hard work we did against Kokabiel and his henchman?

Rias: (smile) Figured we deserve some break after the battle. There changing rooms are over there. One for boys and one for girls.

Y/n: (smile) Cool see you all shortly.

Y/n heads into the boys changing room while the girls enter the girls and once inside he finds Issei and Kiba as they turn and see him.

Y/n: Yo. How are things you two?

Issei: Oh you know the usual but what I can't wait is seeing all of those girls in their sexxy bikinis.

Y/n: (thought) I always knew the reason why he wanted to clean the pool is because of that.

Kiba: Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah?

Kiba: I want to apologise for the words I said to you. I know you wanted to help me but I was blind. Please forgive me.

Y/n: (smile) No need to apologise dude. Besides I heard more offensive words in my life. Just don't worry about it.

Kiba: (smile) Right. Thank you.

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