Lake 3

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Upon arriving, she was gently woken up after Bruno had tied the boat to the dock, only needing to take it back in the morning. ____ stretched a bit before standing to help bring things in. Once she saw the lit up house, she paused. Why did it look like a party was starting-

"What the hell is going on," she demanded, turning to glare at the mafiosos.

"Calm down," Bruno said, offering a friendly smile, "It's not as big as it looks. From what we were told, it seems you've missed out on a lot of different things since our arrival here. Things that should be celebrated."

"We had a small birthday dinner," she rolled her eyes, "I'm not really wanting to be around a lot of people right now and you all know that."

"You'll never get to feeling normal if you avoid people forever," Nero responded evenly, handing her a change of clothes, "At least try it out for an hour or two, then you can hide in your room again."

The woman glared up at him before walking down into the boat and changing into the clothes he had given her. She knew he was right, but right now she wouldn't admit that. The clothing was a basic light blue sundress and white sandals. She blew dry and brushed her hair into a ponytail best she could without a shower before heading back up top. Abbacchio helped her down onto the deck and they all walked into the house.

Just about everyone was there, minus a select few. The air was a bit awkward, but Jonathan cleared his throat and broke the tension with ease. Avdol and Kakyoin were in the kitchen cooking some food she assumed, Bruno walking past her to go help. Caesar approached her and smiled offering her a drink and leading her to sit down on the couch with him and FF. The others from the boat began spreading out, getting drinks or bringing things in and unpacking them or going to change. She noted Weather Report was sitting in a chair a bit off from the rest of the group, reading a book. Johnny and Gyro were playing cards at the kitchen table, Hot Pants sitting nearby looking bored.

And that's when she noticed them.

Jolyne and Ermes were standing near the bar area, chatting casually, Annasui standing nearby of course. Seeing them her eyes darted around until she met the eyes of Jotaro who was standing by the backdoor watching her closely. It had always crossed her mind, how that even though Weather had died before the reset, he still came back, so he wasn't dead for long. However, did whatever brought them here consider the technicality of all them dying despite the reset bringing a form of them back? It looked to be that way, because those in the end weren't even called the same, they were different people. So she guessed by that logic, the true ones still actually died. But....

"They arrived a few days ago," FF said, seeming to follow her line of sight.

"So people are still showing up," she slumped back, taking a long drink, "Guess that doesn't bode well for my house then. I'll just throw them in tents out back."

Caesar frowned a bit at this, but couldn't really deny the possibility of it happening. Jotaro started walking over to her, stopping so he was seated in the chair in front of her.

"I'm not supposed to bring it up," he said, "So for now I won't. But at some point I need some questions answered."

"Yes Dio is still an asshole who can't figure out how shirts work," she smiled slightly at him.

The comment made him blink a few times before a small smirk appeared on his lips. It made her blush slightly so she looked away. Damn his cute face.

The thoughts about their own housing situation and so many other questions she now had, were put aside as Advol announced that the food was ready. It was just a basic set up of snack foods, but it all smelled and looked delicious. People began settling in with their food and drinks, no one really knowing what to do at this point. Many suggestions were made, but, of course, no one could agree. It was Jonathan that suggested putting them in a hat and just drawing them out. Since no one had a better idea, that's what they did. Everyone got to put something in, though _____ opted out just wanting to see where the night led.


"You just had to hit me with the blue shell right as I was crossing the finish line," Kakyoin huffed a bit, but didn't look honestly that mad about it.

"Look," Gyro said, "I just figured out the button to use the items and I had no clue what it did."

"Bullshit," Johnny rolled his eyes, "You already used that excuse three times."

"Come on Johnny! Whose side are you on?"

"No ones. This is a race, there is only one winner."

"He has a point," ____ chimed in, very amused as she watched the current players, "This is a game of 'how quickly can you lose your friends'. Right up there with Uno and Monopoly."

Some laughter was shared and claims for the next round were made, only the first place person able to keep playing as agreed. So far Jotaro has yet to have to relinquish this title and everyone was gunning to be the one to take him down.

Seeing how all of them interacted with each other somewhat smoothly, really made her not want to go back home. Those villains always tried to make things so tense. There was too much ego and pride combined between them, there was always some kind of argument to break up. Of course, these people were probably working real hard to not show any tension that might be there as well, but honestly she appreciated it right now.

This all came to a stop when she got up to get another drink and stopped as Star Platinum was suddenly floating in front of her. He was almost completely seen, probably because she had actually fully touched the arrow a few weeks back. She was so stunned by the sudden appearance, she forgot she was trying not to let out how much of them she could see, her making a small gasp of surprise, backing up. Jotaro paused the game and stood up.

"You've found the arrow...haven't you?"

The others stared her way, waiting. Expecting. She didn't know what else to do but nod, afraid of saying it out loud for some reason.

Jotaro eyed the small woman in front of him, having Star Platinum go away. It was then that she realized something. He had done that on purpose! He waited until she was off guard and could catch her so she couldn't lie about it. A deep rage began to fill her for some reason and she turned, walking to her room and beginning to pack.

No matter how she thought of it, her mind could only rationalize this sudden get away as a way to trick her. Of course all they cared about was that dumb fucking arrow! She guessed she really couldn't even fully trust them either. Them having the arrow was 100% safer, she knew that, but she didn't like being tricked into confessing she knew where it was like this.


It was a long drive back, luckily she hadn't drank too much up to that point. It was around one in the morning when she pulled back into the driveway of her home. Sighing deeply, tiredly, the girl got out and got at least a bag or two of the important stuff to take inside.

"Welcome back."

____ locked the door behind her and froze seeing new pairs of eyes staring her way along with the old ones.


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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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