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Another from the "I'm so done" drawing meme I did. Dio plz!


It was a dark and stormy morning. She woke up to her alarm as normal, but just moved to keep sleeping, even knowing Dio was in the room at that point. Sleeping in when it rains was the best, and it was pouring outside. Dio chuckled softly seeing this refusal to get up. He didn't mind at all, having her so vulnerable next to him boosted his ego. He didn't want anyone to wake her, waiting until her breathing evened out again before petting her hair as normal. Part of him wanted her to wake up as he was doing it, again, but for now he let her rest knowing she had had a busy number of weeks.

But that begs the question on his mind about what his dear Pucci was hiding from him. Of course he knew when the priest was doing so, no matter how good at lying he was. It was in the glint of his eyes, him withholding information. All he could gather was something had happened during their little date, and he wanted to know what it was.

That brought up the next issue. The great DIO was bored. He understood his limitations on the matter, of course, he wouldn't have given up this power for anything, but he too wished to venture out into the world that would soon be his. At least, once she finally devoted herself to him. However, and this thought kept crossing his mind, he sort of didn't want her blind loyalty anymore. He had began liking her defiant attitude towards him. It showed she had much more potential than originally thought. Oh how he wished he had the arrow....

Then a memory struck him and he began rubbing and moving her side, knowing it would wake her faster than calling out to her. She hated being touched, something he ignored, but also something he respected when it mattered. It was much more delightful when the men and women he wanted were willing.

"Dio," she pushed his hands away, huffing as she sat up on her side to look at him with a cute pout, "I told you to please not touch me, especially when I'm sleeping."

"Well I just remembered something you promised a few weeks ago," he smirked, "This 'country bar' with dancing."

____ blinked, her tired mind trying to process what he was talking about. Then she chuckled, finally remembering.

"Yes I did say I would take you to one on some night soon, "she yawned, sitting up more to stretch, "What? Want to go tonight?"

"I believe I, Dio, would."

"You realize you can't call yourself Dio correct?"

"It is the only name befit of me," he scoffed, "But I do understand why."

"Well what about Emmanuel? It still means God."

Dio got a very pleased look on his face at this suggestion. Of course he was highly aware what his name meant, but to hear her confirm it from her own lips sent a tingling sensation down his spine.

"This will do. Now you can go back to sleep."

"Oh thanks," she rolled her eyes and turned back over to do so.

If a knock on the door hadn't stopped her. She called for them to answer, but Kira entered the room anyways. The way the woman quickly shielded him with a blanket when it let some sun light in made that tingle grow harder. He had to have her. Even if just once. He would never admit it out loud, but he was craving touch. Her touch.

"You didn't come to breakfast on time," Kira said without missing a beat, "I told you I wouldn't stand for this."

"Kira," she sighed, running a hand through her hair, "I also told you, I normally don't even eat breakfast. It's why I get so sick feeling after you make me."

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