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"You cannot wear that."

"This is the fifth outfit you've had me change into! And you picked it out!"

"Well I didn't factor in the size of your chest when I did. It makes it look tight."

_____ groaned. She had been woken at 5 am. 5 AM! All because this demented priest with a secret gay agenda wanted to make sure she had something 'appropriate' to wear. Dio was on the bed snickering at her dismay, Pucci seated on the edge, judging her plainly. The dress was a straight black dress to just above her knees, with sleeves to her mid upper arms, and a square cut that reached her collar bone. She couldn't help it if her genetics played a part!

"Look," she said, "I know for a fact this would pass in a church! I wore it to one during a funeral a year ago!"

"A funeral has different rules-"

"I am wearing this one and that is final."

Pucci narrowed his eyes but conceded. He supposed this was the best one she had in that abhorrent collection she called clothing, at least for least for today. 

"Fine. However we will go shopping before next Sunday. That's final," Pucci narrowed his eyes further showing there was no room for discussion. 

"Whatever," she sat at her desk chair, applying some light make up on her face and began using it to cover her new scar on her arm. She was now thankful she had spent so much time doing make up for cosplay to know how to do so. 

"Do you-"

"If I have to wear gloves I'm going to scream."

"No," he scoffed, "I was going to ask if you had appropriate shoes. Though gloves would be a plus."

"I have my black heels and that's all you'll get. Unless you want my combat boots?"

"Heels will go perfectly," he finally smiled, clearly liking this idea.

"Maybe the church will have an extra bible to give you on the way out," she said as she put on eye liner, keeping it simple, "My old one always did, but then again my own mother donated all of those to the youth group so it's just a hope so we don't have to stop at the book store."

"Mm...," Dio said, "Maybe that wouldn't be so bad anyways."

"Another time, please, Dio," she looked up at him over her mirror, seeing he surprisingly relented. 

"You talk as if you were brought up in the faith," Pucci said.

"Southern Baptist," she answered his hidden question, "Where everyone thinks their denomination is the right one, and you can feed a small army with the amount of potlucks we did. Believe it or not, they were training me to become a youth minister before I left. All kinds of summer programs and private lessons. Of course with how misogynistic the church is, I would have only been able to preach the young girls and not the whole group."

"So you know your scripture," Dio asked, his mind just turning now.

"About as well as I can," she shrugged, "It comes in handy at pagan and pride events when they start in on someone, or me, misquoting a verse. Plus I'm not above getting on my phone to search it right in front of them to make a point."

"Why do you hate the church so," Pucci asked, some sadness in his voice. 

"I don't hate the church, I hate the people," She put a clear lip gloss on, "I believe that having faith is a wonderful thing when it isn't used to persecute others. I don't want to be told I can't believe in something I want, no more than I want to tell people to not believe in what they want. Plus religious trauma is a thing."

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