Lake 2

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After settling in a bit, being at this lake house wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Luckily the weather was holding up, but she also assumed if it didn't, Weather Report would take care of it. Others came and went, so there was never a lack of people around. Months ago she would have been on edge being around so many men alone, but she guessed she had grown accustomed to it, sort of desensitized. There was also no lack of things to do.

She went fishing with Bruno, sharing stories of how her grandfather taught her, listening to some stories of his father as well. Of course, the most she caught was a turtle and frog but it was fun nonetheless. Must be this part of the lake because Bruno only caught one small catfish. Still, seeing Bruno smiling so happily at it was worth it.

Sometimes she sat with Johnny and Gyro, seeing the spinning balls in action which eventually led to breaking a bee bee gun out for a contest. Of course they were a lot better, but she wasn't convinced they didn't cheat somehow.

When she did see Weather Report, it was awkward at best, but he seemed just fine sitting and playing cards or dominos with her. All the talking came from her, but honestly she didn't mind because if he talked it meant invading her personal space.

As the others came and went, other activities did as well. Game nights, movie nights, hell they built a bomb ass fort on a whim. The whim being Narancia beginning to drag out all the pillows and blankets as no one could agree on something to do. She could tell all of them were trying really hard to keep her mind busy and it was sometimes very welcome. Other times not so much as there were moments where she just wanted to sit alone and enjoy some peace and quiet.

This morning she was woken up rather early by an apologetic looking Bruno.

"Sorry for such an early wake up," Bruno said softly, "But the boat is finally here so we are all prepping for a day on it."

"Boats and Jojo's don't ever mix well," she mumbled half awake.

"Ah...," Bruno paused, unsure what to say, but surely remembered all the times in his part, "Yes well, I don't think anything will happen this time. Bizarre things don't seem to happen here very often."

"And yet here you stand," she chuckled as she sat up.

"Can't argue there. Here's some coffee and fruit to help you wake up. Just pack a small bag of things you think you'll need and wear your swimsuit under some clothes."

Sipping her coffee, she eyed the blue eyed man a moment before speaking again.

"Who all is coming?"

"I'm not too sure yet," he responded, sitting for a moment, "the boat is pretty accommodating, but we don't want to overwhelm you."

" there a freaking yacht out there?"

At the way he smiled, she sighed and shook her head, eating a few pieces of fruit. He stood up and left as she did so. A yacht on a lake is going to look rather...well it's going to draw a lot of attention. Even if this was a richer part of the area, not many people in Texas have them just to drive on the man made lakes. Not much she could do at the moment, other than just try to enjoy it. A wave of sadness hit her as her father had always wanted one, it had just never been in the cards as he got older.


The big, white boat looked so out of place among the dark water and mud, trees brushing against it. It had been decided people from Golden Wind would go with her, so that meant she was chilling with mafia today; some of La Squadra and three from Bruno's group. It didn't escape her that she was practically living a fangirl dream in doing this, but she still had her worries. Sure, they were acting amicably enough around her, but she knew there was literal bad blood there. Though, without the threat surrounding their arc being here and relevant, they sort of just acted like brothers who hated each other for stealing their girl. The others were staying behind to do something, but she couldn't get any information about what out of anyone.

After loading up, Bruno pulled the boat out carefully and began driving off. She sat in the shaded area watching the waves it created in silence, still working out being woken up so early when she literally was unable to help with anything (more like no one let her help). The various conversations faded into the background as she got lost in thought, trying not to cry honestly.

"Are you doing okay?"

Jumping in surprise, the woman blinked up to see Abbachio moving to sit beside her, getting comfortable.

"I guess," she sighed in response, "It's really nothing. My father always went on and on about wanting to have enough money to buy a yacht and live off of it for a few years. Workers, driver, the whole works," she smiled sadly, "Every time someone asked him what he wanted for a gift he always said 'A yacht, a Ferrari, and a million dollars'."

"Sounds like a man who knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to ask for it," he chuckled softly.

"Dad was never shy about letting you know what he wanted. He lived a long and fulfilling life. Been dirt poor to hanging with billionaires. Hell, one of his wives was the daughter of the Marriott's, though he said he was the one that was the boy toy she liked to shower in gifts. But he worked hard for every cent he ever made since he was five, up until his army injuries prevented him from doing so. I moved in with him when I was 22, 23 and he helped me finish college. After that it was just taking care of him."

Abbachio listened intently, really knowing that this was probably the most she had talked about her father since his death. It wasn't hard to tell the others were listening as well, Bruno having a sad look on his face.

"Do you miss him," Narancia asked suddenly, cocking his head, making some of the others glare his way at such an invasive question.

"Yes," she teared up a little, "I do. He might have been an asshole a lot of the time towards the end, but he was a good father to me and my siblings."

The boys sat there awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do. As Bruno pulled to a stop and let the anchor down in the middle of the lake, it was Nero who spoke up first.

"Was there a drink he favored," he questioned.

"Um...yeah. A cognac called Grand Marnier," she cocked her head over at the man curiously.

The tall assassin walked under into the inside of the boat for a moment before coming out with a bottle of it and some glasses for everyone. The idea was obvious as he poured a bit into each glass and passed them around. The gesture was so sweet in her mind she couldn't stop the tears. Nothing more was said, just a simple raise of the glass and everyone took their drink.

"Holy shit," Narancia coughed, "It's so smooth but it burns!!"

Laughter exploded from everyone as the teenager rushed to get a soda still coughing.

"Uh oh," Abbachio said, smirking, "We are in trouble now. We gave alcohol to a minor."

"Because we are so concerned with the law anyways," Prosciutto chuckled.

"He needs something to put some hair on his chest," Formaggio grinned.

"Do you wanna go," Narancia shouted, throwing the now empty can into the trash angrily, "because we know who would win!"

"No fighting," Bruno chastised, but looked rather amused.

"You guys suck," the boy huffed sitting down childishly.

____ laughed with them again, it finally feeling like a real one. It felt so good to do so. After sitting for a bit, the swimming started as Melone tossed her into the water with a grin only to get shoved in by Ghiaccio, the blue haired man yelling about how stupid he was. The day was fun, a lot of laughter and only one non serious fight. As the sun started going down, Bruno began driving the boat back towards the house. It was quieter as the day had been exhausting enough, but also because ____ had dozed off a bit before.

"Think this party is a good idea," Nero questioned from beside Bruno, quietly.

"She needs some kind of normalcy," Bruno answered just as quiet, "Even around us. She needs to be reminded of a life before all of this even for a little while. That's the whole reason all of us are out here."

"...You really think she knows where the arrow is?"

"I'm sure of it. It has to be in that house somewhere. Which means everyone is in danger."

Nero looked over to where the sleeping girl was. In a way, he didn't really want to lead her on to get her trust, but it was a necessity if what Bruno said was true.

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