Diego/Valentine 2

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Thank you for your continued patience! As I'm typing this I am doing the move so I don't know when I will get this out. This will be a longer chapter again as I do these fun one on ones again! Again the support has been greatly appreciated during this time! When I get my room together I'll most likely will take some pictures to share :3 This has both of them again, but it will be more Valentine centered. 

Edit 9/23: WOW! I have never had so many reads before! I began writing this chapter before the major part of the move on Monday of this week and Just got to continuing it now and that was so sweet to find when I came back on. Thank you so much! If any of you are interested I'll put a photo dump of the progress of my room after this chapter! I finally was able to get a shelf for all my figures! 


A month or two had passed since the run in with Tatiana. She had been mostly staying indoors, but that was simply because she had some commissions to work on. After shooing away some of the more rowdy of her guests, she had managed to get them done, earning some money. This always brightened her mood, so she spent it on herself, getting her nails done, much to Kira's enjoyment (though he did not like the darker colors she had chosen), and finally getting her hair cut. It had been a very relaxing experience alone. 

When she walked in, Diego ran up to her, a big smile on his face. 

"____," he all but shouted, "First, your hair looks so much better. Second, the sponsorship went through! I get to race next week!"

"Oh," she blinked a few times, taken aback by how excited he was, "That's good news."

"Come on," he actually whined, "Be more into it! You get to see me do what I do best! None of that rodeo shit!" 

"That 'rodeo shit'," Valentine said, walking up behind him, "Is what got you noticed in the first place. Don't go putting it down. ____ you look lovely."

What was with all the compliments? All she did was get some dead ends cut off and the layers and bangs fixed. It made her feel a bit self-conscious about it now. 

"Whatever," Diego scoffed, "So I know you have to go anyways, but can you dress up again? I really want it to be special."

"Oh...um sure? That shouldn't be a problem," she said, offering a friendly smile. 

Diego grinned and nodded, walking back into the home, more like strutting like he had already won the race. Valentine rolled his eyes and looked back at her smiling gently, making her tense. What did he want now? 

"May we go out to get me a new suit," he questioned, "I believe as his main sponsor I should look the part. Maybe we find you something as well."

"I need gear too," Diego yelled from the other room. 



"This all seems a bit much to be sitting to watch horses," Dio teased, lounging on the bed as usual. 

"Hey," ____ said, "I'm actually pretty excited for this. I've always wanted to go to one of these. My dad and I have always talked about..."

She let her words fall short, stopping her hands from messing with her hair for a moment, a saddened look on her face. Dio raised an eyebrow. It had been months since his passing, but it was very apparent it still had a hold on her. He couldn't say he understood, he had pushed aside his humanity long ago, but still he said nothing about it. 

"I do like the dress you picked," Pucci said, trying to lighten the mood again. 

She smiled thankfully into the mirror at him. The dress was a long sleek one that reached her ankles. A slit was in the side that came up to about mid thigh, but she was wearing (skin/color) hose underneath for modesty. The dress was an a-line cut but once again her natural endowment did nothing to hide anything. However, she put on a clip-on cami just so she didn't feel like it was all out there this time. The dress was (color), a slight shine to it. Not too much, after all didn't want to distract the horses or riders. Though Diego said any rider or horse worth their merit wouldn't be distracted by such a thing, she wanted to be certain. 

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