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The first thing she heard was a familiar beeping sound of a heart machine. The first thing she felt was an oncoming pain that seemed to be dulled, but not gone. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times to clear the blur of what she could assume was them being closed for a while. Looking around the beeping confirmed her first thought. 

She was in the hospital. 

The next question was why? No one was in the room with her so she fumbled around until she finally found the nurse call button. Having grown up in and out of hospitals she knew this was the most effective way to get some answers. It took a few minutes but a nurse and a doctor rushed into the room. 

"Miss (L/N) (last name), welcome back," the older, kind-eyed doctor said, keeping his voice soft for now, "You've been in an accident. You've been out for a couple of weeks. Do you remember anything?"

"I was...out going to get...groceries," she said, her voice scratchy from lack of proper hydration, at least that way, "A couple of weeks?"

"Yes. You did make it to the store, but someone apparently didn't see you walking into the door. Hit you right in the side," he gave a sympathetic look, "Luckily they weren't going very fast, but they did hit you hard enough to put you in a coma. A piece of metal from the front of the car cut into your side. Nothing a few stitches didn't solve. Is there anyone we can call for you? Your paperwork didn't list a next of kin and your mother that was listed didn't respond."

"My mom didn't," she blinked a few times, "That's I going to be okay?"

"We will run a few tests, but considering you're talking, I'm sure we won't find anything. It's more protocol at this point. Now you're-"

She kept nodding, listening to the whole thing she's heard her entire life from doctors. Her mind was immediately occupied with worried thoughts about the guests at her home. She was one hundred percent certain they probably thought she ran off or was taken. Without her to leave the home, they had no way of knowing. Next she thought of the other visitors, the ones at Tatiana's. Did they know? If they did, would they have alerted the villains? By the distinct lack of people here or any clear indication someone had been, there was no way to know. Unfortunately, as she asked, her phone had been destroyed in the accident, run over after it fell out of her back pocket. So no way of calling ahead as she definitely didn't have it in her to remember any numbers right now. For now, she would just have to wait to be released. 


Aside from a few bumps and bruises, and of course the cut in her side, she was in good enough shape to be sent home. Luckily her insurance covered rides too and from hospitals so she was able to get there no problem. Even after the car drove off, she stalled. The lights were on inside as it was just dusk, and she could see shadows of figures moving around inside. Sighing deeply, ______ decided to get this over with and walked up the steps. She had barely put her hand on the door handle when it flew open revealing a severely angry looking Dio Brando. His brows were furrowed deep in his anger as he grabbed her wrist tightly and pulled her inside. 

"Well look who's back," he said in an obviously fake happy tone. 

She stumbled a bit, holding her side, heavily aware of the eyes on her at this point, the tension in the room so heavy she would have just rather stayed in the coma. Before she could even open her mouth to explain, Diego was in her face yelling. 

"Where the hell have you been," he scream, gripping her shoulders so she could flinch away, "What? Decided to finally make a run for it?"

"No I-" she started weakly, shaking in his hold. 

"Bullshit," he snapped at her, "Like we will ever believe you 'just going for some groceries' again!"

"We were all stuck in this house for two weeks," Kira said, keeping composure for the most part, "Your phone went to voicemail and you didn't even get on social media for us to at least track where you were."

"Well I was-"

"Please, human," Kars snarled a bit, clearly on edge, "Whatever story you think of bringing into this won't change anything."

"We missed Diego's next race," Valentine decided to interject, "While I don't care about it fully, it is still something you promised to do. How selfish can you be?"

"Selfish...," she blinked at him, feeling anger growing a bit. 

"Yes selfish," Diavolo interjected, "Leaving us here to fend for ourselves, knowing full well we can't do anything to sustain our lifestyles without you to guide us through the door. Not to mention, it puts us in a weakened state were our enemies to find out you weren't here and decide to pay a visit. I didn't think you were this stupid."

Pucci, who had decided to remain quiet, wasn't even looking at her, for once not intervening on her behalf. Though now that he was looking out the window, he noted the distinct lack of vehicle in the driveway making him finally look over at her and assess her form. 

"Let her go," Pucci said, bringing out White Snake, "There's an easy way for us to know the full story and that's my stand."

______ felt herself being pushed towards him by Diego, but she had had enough. 

"Selfish? Stupid," she said softly, "I was going to the grocery store for all of you. With an insanely long list of all your fucking different diets and stupid things you want to try. For months I have never given you any reason to believe I would up and leave you behind and this is how you repay me?! Accusations? Name-calling? Not even letting me just tell you where I've been and resorting to using a fucking stand because you won't let me speak?!! Fuck every single one of you! If I was stupid it was only about one thing. Believing any of you actually cared about my well being; about me. So yes. I was stupid to start to believe any of you despicable, heartless men would do such a thing without getting something in return!"

They watched her wave her arms around in a fit, but not because they were just waiting for her to stop so Pucci could use his stand. No it was for a much different reason. Kars moved in front of Dio who's eyes began to glow, his own glowing. Diego's accusing eyes went to ones of confusion and concern. Kira stood up in an instant. 

The wound on her side had been opened and she was leaking blood onto the floor. 

"What? Nothing to say now," she yelled when they all just stood there staring at her before she followed their eyes and paled, her adrenaline fueled rage flooding away as she suddenly felt the pain of her stitches opening and fell backwards. 

Diego easily caught her, gently laying her on the floor, using his hands to hold pressure onto the wound. Her vision got foggy and the last thing she saw was him yelling to someone about calling for someone specifically to help. 


Someone was running their fingers through her hair and she felt numb when she knew she should be feeling pain. Someone else was obviously stitching her back up, the pressure of a needle being pulling through her skin made that obvious. She slowly opened her eyes to first see Valentine who was too busy watching the patcher to notice that she had woken up. She looked over and blinked seeing Gyro knelt next to her on the bed, focused on the task at hand, Johnny standing close by glaring at the long-haired blond. It was him who noticed she had opened her eyes.

"Don't move," Johnny said, "He's almost done."

"You're awake," Gyro said not even missing a beat, "You lost some blood, but luckily it was only a few seams that popped. You will feel a bit dizzy so just stay in bed until you get your strength back."

Gyro smiled up at her, clearly not too bothered being in a house full of his enemies. Valentine stopped his petting to look down at her as well. 

"She won't be moving until she's healed," Valentine said, a blandness in his voice she never thought she would hear. 

"Yes, well," Johnny scoffed, "If you hadn't have upset her into a rage this wouldn't have happened in the first place. See what I meant, _____? They will only cause you harm."

Valentine was going to retort back at him, but she spoke first, sending him into silence.

"Yeah...You were right. They only know how to hurt after all." 

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