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"Hey, Diavolo, can I talk to you for a moment," ____ asked, peeking into the game room he was sitting in. More like laying on the bed looking at the laptop, Pucci behind him just reading some book you had picked him up from a Christian author. It was a...somewhat wholesome sight. 

"What is it," he sighed, closing the laptop gently, "I'm not moving."

"Well that's okay," she walked and sat down on the office chair, "So I know tonight is our normal dinner night-"

"We are going," he said, narrowing his eyes. 

"No no," she waved her hands, "That's not what I was getting at. I was thinking that we do something else. Dinner is fun, but maybe we can go somewhere else after?"

"Why would I want to do that, ____," the mafia boss questioned, raising an eyebrow. 

"I don't know," she sighed, "I can see you getting restless and maybe doing something fun will change that. There's a jazz club tonight that the tickets aren't too much. I've never been to one, but from what I read, it's dark and most the focus is on the band. Plus we can dress up and I really feel like dancing. That's one place least likely for anyone to notice you anyways as it probably wouldn't have many anime fans there, and even if they did, maybe you can wear a wig or hat?"

Diavolo was tense at the suggestion. However, something about the hopeful look in her eyes reminded him briefly of the woman he had once at least somewhat cared for. 

"Fine," he relented, "But we need to go now so I an get something appropriate to wear. And you a new dress as well. Something you can move in. Can you even dance?"

____ straightened, a bright smile on her face. 

"I was dancing since I could walk until my body literally made me stop," she said, "Even if I don't know the steps I'm a fast learner."

"Then Doppio should have no problem."

For some reason, hearing that he was going to let Doppio take the front once again, made her feel a bit saddened, but she supposed that shouldn't have been such a surprise. She got up and left to get her purse, already seeing him move, probably to change into Doppio. Pucci pointedly stared at his book while he did. 

"So you like dancing," Dio asked when she walked into the room. 

"I do. I won a best dancer trophy when I was 3," she smiled at him. 

"Then perhaps it's time I also venture out at night with you."

"Sure," Dio looked stunned you so easily agreed, "There are other dance halls around here. More of a bar setting and might be more country than you're used to, but I'm sure you would enjoy it. Especially all the attention you would get being the tall drink of muscles you are."

Dio laughed softly, a smirk on his face, only giving a nod of approval before leaning back to continue reading on the Kindle. After getting what she needed in there, she met Doppio at the front door and got into the car with him. He busied himself on her phone for the music as she drove, always seeming to need something to fidget with. ____ pulled into a thrift store and got out with him. 

"Think we will find anything here," Doppio questioned, sounding unimpressed. 

"Maybe for me," she shrugged, "I don't want to spend a lot of money on a dress I will probably only wear for tonight."

"I guess that makes sense," he said with a shrug, holding her phone to his ear after imitating a vibrating noise in his throat. After all, she had said that his ringtone was very notifiable and Boss told him to just put it on vibrate. 

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