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I'm soooo sorry! our closing date got moved up to next weekend and I've been running around trying to get things packed up and cleaned and set up for the new home all while trying to keep well rested and such. On top of that having to take care of my dad. I also had my birthday dinner last weekend and that had me busy too (I got a Rohan figure and Jolyne button from Japan from my friends owo) 

Can I say I did not expect the overwhelming support for this fic I have been getting! Thank you for the votes and comments! I do read them all as I catch them! It has really been a very special and welcome nicety during this stressful time. It makes me increasingly sorry about these shorter chapters but I'm just trying to get something out ;-; When I get the time, I am going to draw out Tatiana, who honestly is loosely based on my irl partner of 5 years (very loosely they just helped me come up with her). 


It had been a few weeks since that incident. Things around the house had somewhat gone back to normal, but with the promise of an arrow being in play, and Valentine and Diego now knowing that it was essentially the same thing as the corpse, it was...strange. Dio, of course, wanted to pursue it immediately, but with no idea where to start he was left mulling over his options. She also was not going to let him destroy one of her older cameras in her collection or use her tvs with Hermit Purple to try to find it either. Luckily, he seemed to concede to this for now, wanting to stay on her good graces. The others didn't seem too rushed to find the arrow aside from him, aside from just wanting it so the 'good guys' didn't have it, so it wasn't like it was a dire situation she had on her hands. 

Currently she was out doing some grocery shopping. Alone at last. Though considering the amount she would have to get into the car, she was starting to wish someone had come along. The cart was beginning to get hard to push. The idea of buying this one then coming back in played in her head. She hadn't gotten anything perishable yet so she started to turn to go do that when a hand stopped the cart. 

She was met with a tall blond woman with long, blonde, curly hair. Her pale skin was littered with tattoos here and there, very beautiful and impressive ones at that, each one strategically placed. Her build was strong, and she was tall, sporting a cut out t-shirt with a black sports bra underneath and black sweats on. She had piercing blue and green eyes, left green, right blue, and was...very beautiful. _____ found herself staring for a moment, a soft blush on her cheeks before she stuttered out an apology thinking she had run into her. 

"Cut the crap," the woman said, leaning down to her level, "You know why 
I'm here."


"_____, I guess?"

_____was suddenly backing up against the the shelves making the blonde snort in amusement. 

"I'm not here to fight you, shrimp," she said, "I could toss you down in a second, not much fun in that. No. I want to trade."


"Listen," she started again, "You obviously have your hands full with the villains. But I'm soooo sick of hearing about good deeds and shit. I can't even smoke in my own house anymore no less have more than a drink! I thought having mafia in there would be cool but oh noooo they don't like drugs."

Tatiana rolled her eyes, continuing to rant as ____ processed what was going on. This woman...wanted to just trade houses? Because it didn't fit her lifestyle? Honestly it was so appealing to the (h/c) girl. Be with the good guys sounded like she wouldn't have to give her blood every week, hold hands with a serial killer, deal with jealousy, or deal with constant questions. However, that meant this woman would. And from what Tooru said...

That's right...Tooru probably wanted this. But why? Why would he want her there and not Tatiana? Was it only because of the mischief that would occur? Or did he have a more sinister agenda at hand? She wasn't about to find out, at least not so soon. Plus, if she left, she was sure one of those men would find a way to go to the new home to retrieve her, causing a fight, which she would highly like to avoid. Though maybe she could pay a visit to the other house sometime soon...she would have to be very crafty about it so the others didn't find out.

"I don't think that's a good idea," the smaller girl said firmly.

"Oh come on," Tatiana groaned, "What's a little fighting?"

"The end of the world?"

"Fuck 'em."

_____ tried not to, but she laughed softly at this, making the taller woman smirk slightly. 

"Besides," ____ continued, "Who is to say they won't just switch houses anyways? Plus I'm heavily monitored by family. If I just moved homes they would notice and everything would come to light."

"At least take my number," she handed her a card. 

The card had her name on it. Tatiana Rink. It was obviously a fake last name, but one never knew. By the time she looked up, the woman was down the other end waving behind her, having taken a bag of chips from the cart as compensation for denying her request. Crap. That meant she had to go all the way back to the chip aisle since Pucci really liked those chips. 

You won this round mystery woman. 

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