
496 21 6

Drawing by me


Dio raised an eyebrow, seeing she was very serious. There was no recollection in her eyes that showed she remembered who they were. 

"I must say I'm hurt," Dio teased, "You already forgot about I, Dio?"

_____ stared at him for a moment, cocking her head as she looked him up and down, doing the same with the others who are in the room before giggling. 

"Well I can't help it if I don't have memories of you guys yet," she said in a happy tone, "But a good party is a great way to get to know new people!"

She hummed softly as she began mixing some drinks, seeming so relaxed and carefree. Diavolo had planned to go back to her room to continue on the computer, however, this development proved to be more interesting. Dio was hovering near her watching closely what she was doing before leaning back as a martini was pushed towards him. He slowly took it a grin on his face. Pucci crossed and left the room, content to just stay away from such activities of course. 

"A priest in our house," she said as she watched him walk away, "Oh no I'll be burned at the stake!"

Pucci paused to look at her incredulously.

"Is there a problem with my faith," he asked in a strained tone. 

"Mmmm," she seemed to think about it, "As long as you don't try to bible thump at me due to my lack of faith, then no."

Pucci, feeling highly uncomfortable and annoyed, didn't respond, especially with Dio watching him closely, obviously finding this highly amusing. Instead he just continued down the hall and into the game room. He had noted the high lack of a bible in the home anywhere leaving him to silently sit on the futon and reflect to himself in prayer, hoping to protect her this way for whatever happened tonight.

After a few minutes, those who wanted a drink, Kira even decided on a glass of wine though it would be just the one he said with certainty, she had sat down actually engaging in conversation. Even stranger, she did not react to Dio putting his arm around her on the back of the couch, even leaning on it at some points. Kars watched the scene with curiosity, a glass of wine in his hand as well. Diavolo wasn't drinking, but staring her down from the chair he had brought from the kitchen. The burning question was on the tip of his tongue, but something told him to hold off on it for now. 

"So those aren't fake," she asked looking closer as Dio smirked wider, moving his finger to touch a fang himself, drawing a bit of blood as he did, "That is so cool!"

 "Yes, it is 'cool'," he chuckled deeply, "Would you like a pair?"

Before she could answer, Kars hissed a bit. 

"You will not convert her under my watch," he challenged, "There is no reason to do so."

Kars had no clue why he felt so adamant about it, but he knew that if she couldn't go out into the sun, plus suddenly needing blood to survive, things would get a lot more complicated for all of them. No. She needed to stay human. Just for the sole purpose of being somewhat useful to him during this time. 

"Fine fine," Dio surprisingly relented, "Guess it wouldn't do to have her unable to leave during the day~"

Kars glared deeply at him, the inferior vampire just smirking at him, pushing his luck further as he began playing with the ends of her hair. Why was she not running off as usual? This was very concerning. Not that he particularly cared about her well-being, but he sort of needed her despite how gross that made him feel. He stood up and moved her to the side easily, sitting between her and Dio now. Dio scowled at this, removing his arm quickly, the girl just blinked a few times before giggling. 

I Don't Trust You (JJBA VILLAINS X READER)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang