Kira 2

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"Please don't just stare at me like that. Answer my question."


Kira narrowed his eyes at the woman who was hiding her hands from him this morning, in a mood it seems. There was an easy solution to this, just have Killer Queen force her arms to the front. However, he did not want her thinking that he was trying to hide a bomb on her. Last time he tried to use such an approach landed him with a slap to the face...literally. While it wasn't a big deal to him, the message was clear enough to him now. After the wedding ordeal, she had been keeping him from her hands more often than not. It had been weeks since that had happened, and she still hasn't forgiven him. He had tried gifts, being overly nice and pleasant, even giving her space. Thus far, nothing was working. It was beginning to ride on his nerves, making his fingernails grow a bit faster. It wasn't like he could do much about it besides cut them before she noticed, however, she always came around sooner or later. 

"Fine," she relented after his staring, seeing a pink mist behind him after a moment or two of it, "But I don't think the others will be so happy to agree to this."

"Let me worry about them, just go pack."

"Pack for what," Diego stared at the two in the kitchen, glaring accusingly at the bomber. 

Kira considered for a moment how to approach this with the jealousy-stricken man, at least the way of lowest resistance. Though it seemed the longer he took to answer, the smaller his patience became. 

"Well," Diego snapped, raising his voice slightly. 

"We are going on a trip out of town for a few days. That's all," Kira said, smiling pleasantly. 


The gears in the jockey's head were turning rapidly, it was like smoke was coming out from working overtime. 

"Absolutely not," he finally said, walking over to stand next to the girl, "She obviously doesn't want to go and you're forcing her."

"It's not like I'm not forced to go out with all of you anyways," ____ mumbled sourly, "Once again, you don't get a say in what I decide to do with my life, Diego."

"This is different from going out for a day," he shot back, "He wants to take you away alone long?"

"Four days."

"Four fucking days! That's not even safe!"

"Since when do you care about my safety," she blinked, raising an eyebrow at him. 

Diego paused, Kira now the one tensing up at his declaration. However, unfortunately, his raised voice drew the ire of Diavolo and Kars who walked in to see what the commotion was about. Once they heard about it, both were equally as displeased. Soon all but Dio were in the kitchen, talking over each other. _____ held her hands over her ears, the level of sound getting to be too much for her, but they were blocking her in so she couldn't just leave. Kira sighed deeply, giving an almost apologetic look towards her. Luckily, another saw her discomfort and spoke up. 

"Let's quiet down," Pucci said, motioning to the girl, "In the end it is her decision on this. We don't even know why she agreed to it."

All eyes went to her, expectantly. Now she looked even more uncomfortable under the angry stares, but at least the room was quiet again so she lowered her hands to mess with her coffee cup in front of her nervously. 

"It's a spa retreat Kira found," she spoke softly, "So it's not like it's just for him. In fact his sole purpose for wanting to go was to give me time away to relax."

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