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I'm sorry if this chapter is relatively short ;-; If I don't get another chapter out by or after, Happy New Year! 


Staring around the open-floor area of the house, one that connected the living room, foyer, dining area, and eventually kitchen, a sense of dread filled the woman. After a rather...rowdy Christmas it was a complete mess. Food and glasses everywhere, trash from presents, broken presents, turned over furniture, and spills seemed to pile up in front of her making her hands itch to organize and clean the home her father had left to her. So she set to it. Every time one of the boys tried to come out, she cursed them out of the room, clearly in a different identity when that happened. So most of them either stayed in one of the three rooms in the back or went out back to enjoy the slowly cooling weather and nice day. The only time she let them help was when she wanted to fix the furniture and even then she only asked Kars since he could pick it up himself. At least the ancient being just seemed amused and didn't attempt to speak with her past the odd question on where to put the piece down. So all-in-all, she was alone as she cleaned up, leaving the trash bags by the front door one of them to take out later. 

The kitchen was going to be the hardest, she could tell. The whole ass meal seemed to have never been put away so there was a lot of spoiled food to be thrown away. It also looked like at some point a whip cream battle had been done, so a lot of the area was sticky. Sighing deeply, she just started with the trash to get it out of her way for bigger cleaning. 

Eventually, her body forced her to take a break and she sat down with some water sighing softly. That's when she saw it, making her heart sink. Her father's flag was on the floor, the glass cracked beyond repair. She felt herself boil in rage before realizing that it was mostly her fault for letting them drink so much last night, as well as saying nothing when they got rowdy. Still, she would say something to at least get a new case for it. She bent down and picked it up , carefully sliding the broken glass into a trash bag. The flag started to wiggle out so she reached to take it out as well after getting another, cleaner bag to put it in for storage in the meantime. 

She blinked when the flag hit her hands. It...felt heavier than a flag should be. She had had it sent out to get the case on it, so the first time she actually held it besides the presenting at the funeral was after that. A moment passed as she thought then that maybe the Veteran's Association had put something of her father's in there as an extra. She moved to the couch so she could gently unfold it so it wouldn't touch the ground. It wasn't long till something fell onto her lap, making her blood run cold. 

Everything made sense now. Why the villains showed up right as she got it back in, why she was starting to see the stands in a clearer light, and why only her was able to do it. She was the only one in the house that would touch the case to dust it off almost weekly so everything that didn't have an answer just fell into her lap. 

The arrow. 

It was just the head of it, gleaming proudly in the light, no...more like hauntingly. She jumped hearing a door behind her open and she slid it into her pocket, being very careful about not toughing the sharp edge of it. Pucci came out, cocking his head. 

"Are you alright," Pucci questioned seeing her sitting down instead of cleaning. 

"...One of you broke my father's flag case last night," she said, luckily her soft voice at finding the arrow being construed as either sorrow or quiet anger in this case. 

"Ah...That might have happened when Valentine shoved Diego in that area. I'm terribly sorry," he smiled gently at her, "We can get it a new case as soon as possible, though I imagine both men will be unrelenting in apologies once they hear about this."

"Yeah...Did you need something?"

"I was going to get some refreshments for Lord Dio and I, if that's alright?"


She stood up, throwing the rest of the broken case away and taking the bag to the growing pile by the door after marking on it that it was full of glass so no one would get cut by it. Pucci went to the kitchen humming softly under his breath as he got a glass of wine for Dio and a water for himself, leaving shortly after. She picked up the bag with the flag in it carefully and went towards the garage. She normally would have put her car inside, but it still had all of her dad's old medical equipment in it. It's why she rarely went in there. Too much of him. She cleared a clean place on a shelf and laid the flag on it, smoothing it out as she teared up. 

She left the arrow back hidden in the flag for now, leaving the room full of sorrow again, locking it behind her, key in her pocket as normal. 


After a few more hours, the four areas were finally decent again. She wasn't too concerned with making it spotless, just live able. Sitting down to play a video game to relax at last, she called out that she was done cleaning. One by one, the house guests slowly came back in. Kira, seeing the pile of trash bags, began taking them out to put in her garbage bins, not saying a word. Since it was night by now, Dio came out as well, pouring another glass of wine for himself before sitting beside her. It took a moment before she had to pause her game, Diego stepping in front of her, unable to look her in the eye. 

"Don't," she said, "The flag itself is fine. That's all that matters."

The man sighed deeply, obviously relieved, but still muttered a soft 'sorry', Valentine sitting down in a chair behind her doing the same. For a while, she just focused on the game she was playing, ignoring idle chatter around her. Diavolo was sitting with Kars at the kitchen table, doing gods knows what. Kira had taken the other seat on the other side of her once he had started dinner. Valentine was reading a book quietly, sometimes glancing her way. Diego stayed pouting in another arm chair, staring unamused at where the flag used to be. Pucci had left to go read or something, she wasn't really listening. 

It was Dio staring down at her that was the most bothering. Now, she was a pretty good bluffer, especially when something like this was at stake, but she knew that if anyone could sniff that out, it would be the big bluffer himself. Was she acting too calm? She couldn't know, but she was sure that if she changed how she was behaving now it would just be ten times more suspicious. It wasn't like she was trying to hide what she had gotten them for Christmas, this was literally life and death. 

She couldn't let either side know that she was hiding that arrow. 

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