Alex's special outfit

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In a cloth shop, Emily would be waiting patiently for Alex to come out of the room, having gotten her fox friend a special outfit.

Emily: *would put her hands on her hips* Alex, come on.

Alex: *her tail wag around shyly while having a blush of embarrassment* It's a bit embarrassing.

The pervy goddess sighed amusingly and walk up where she pulled the curtain away with the fox girl jumping with a squeal.

The pervy goddess sighed amusingly and walk up where she pulled the curtain away with the fox girl jumping with a squeal

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Alex: *had brighter blush, covering her body with her arms and tail* You sure this going to make him....breed me?

Emily: *smiles with her eyes close* If I didn't respect relationship or a futa, I'll would fuck you here and now until I'm certain you were pregnant. *claps her hands* but yes from my own experience, a woman wear lingerie will trigger a somewhat strong urge to attempt or will breed you.

Alex: *was a bit overwhelm by the information by the pervy goddess as swirl were in her eyes* Are you sure?

Emily: *crossed her arms under her breasts* Who has a child between us?

Alex: *grunts at this and look away from her* You do.

Emily: *nods towards her with a light huff* Exactly. Now let's make the purchase.

The fox girl grumble to herself, changing back into her normal clothes with the two female buying the outfit.

Meanwhile, with Zya
Zya sat down, having just finished training for six hours as she took a small sip of her water bottle with the lazy girl smirking slightly to herself.

Meanwhile, with ZyaZya sat down, having just finished training for six hours as she took a small sip of her water bottle with the lazy girl smirking slightly to herself

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Zya: *wipes the sweat of her body* That should cut off a few pounds.

The lazy girl glance over to see Sora and Wya staring at her that made her rise a brow.

Zya: *tilts her head* What?

Wya: *sweatdrops* You're actually doing something.

Sora nodded in agreement with the ribbon hair girl while Zya didn't say anything and took a small sip of her water bottle.

At Drago's house
Kisame was on the couch, bored to herself until seeing Wendy that made her smirk mischievous at an idea.

The shark girl got off the couch, sneaking over to the brown hair dragon girl who felt a bit unease and look behind to see the shark girl shortstack and quickly protected her tail, seeing what she was aiming for

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The shark girl got off the couch, sneaking over to the brown hair dragon girl who felt a bit unease and look behind to see the shark girl shortstack and quickly protected her tail, seeing what she was aiming for.

The shark girl got off the couch, sneaking over to the brown hair dragon girl who felt a bit unease and look behind to see the shark girl shortstack and quickly protected her tail, seeing what she was aiming for

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Wendy: *had a few tears in her eyes* Leave my tail alone!

The shark girl only grin at this with Wendy quickly running off, hiding behind a wall that made the shortstack shark girl laugh.

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