Zalona paying Momiji a visit

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In early morning, Momiji would be reading a book she had gotten last night that had made the head kunoichi stay up all night at the story until hearing the ground shaking a few times and know it was certain oni with her closing her book as the alarm went off.

Momiji: *stood up, walking up to her cell* It was a matter of time.

The wall would be busted down with a certain oni stand in the hole she made, holding a guard that she soon drop after forcing him to tell her where the purple hair woman was located at and walk towards the kunoichi's cell, putting her hands on the bars.

Momiji: *let out a small sigh, knowing what the oni was trying to down* Zalona, stop. I do wish to get out but this isn't the way.

Zalona: *stay silent for a few seconds before letting go of the bars with her sighing* I hate that kind heart of yours.

Momiji: *smile lightly* I won't call my heart kind considering the things I have done. More of the right thing.

The head kunoichi and loli oni heard the sound of more guards approaching as a pair of horns peek out from the hole that purple hair woman recognize instantly.

Rukia: *keep herself hidden from the head kunoichi, as she was still scared of her* Z-Zalona, more guards are coming. What's the plan?

Zalona: *let out another sigh* I'll pull back for now.

Momiji: *giggle lightly* You're going to get a ear full when Xeno finds out.

Zalona: *shrugs her shoulders while walking back to the hole she made* Wouldn't be the first, won't be the last.

Rukia peek a bit more at this, wondering who the two females were talking about.

Zalona: *stood in the middle of the hole, glancing back slightly* If you're not out within a month, I'm breaking you. Regardless of what you think. You been through enough hell already. I'm not letting you going through another.

The head kunoichi only smile at this and nodded to the oni loli as the two oni vanished just as the guard arrive, checking the area.

Momiji: *sat down on her bed with a small sweatdrop* Rukia seem to still be scared of me.

In the sky, Rukia would be flying behind Zalona, wondering was the loli oni was going next.

Zalona: *know what she was thinking and look back at her with a small smirk* We're going to my other home.

The blond oni rise a brow but nodded to her long time friend with the two increasing their speed.

Meanwhile, the vampire kingdom
Alma glance over at Tenten and Azazel with the elder vampire nodding to the eight tail kitsune, having talk with her about her and Tenten's argument and turn away as the eyepatch female struck her tongue out at the eight tail fox girl.

Meanwhile, the vampire kingdomAlma glance over at Tenten and Azazel with the elder vampire nodding to the eight tail kitsune, having talk with her about her and Tenten's argument and turn away as the eyepatch female struck her tongue out at the ei...

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Azazel: *had an ticked off mark, going to her thoughts* Fucking bitch. You're lucky I only did it because that vampire makes good food.

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