Laly and Caly at the beach

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At a beach, Caly would be sitting on the sand, having deciding to take a day off from maid duty and hangout with her little sister.

At a beach, Caly would be sitting on the sand, having deciding to take a day off from maid duty and hangout with her little sister

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Caly: *thoughts while sitting on her knees* I should brought some sugar cookies.

The gray hair maid look over to see her younger sister bursting out of the water.

Laly: *let out a carefree sigh and look over at her older sister* You should trying diving, Caly

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Laly: *let out a carefree sigh and look over at her older sister* You should trying diving, Caly. There's so much sea life you swim up to and try to touch.

The gray hair maid stare her little sister's large amount of cleavage and soon shook her head.

Caly: *huffed lightly* I'm not the diving type. I like swimming but not diving. *look away from her* I wonder what would your brothers say if they saw your swimsuit.

The white hair female sweatdrop at this along with a pleading look as her sister giving a slight smug smile.

Meanwhile, at the mansion
Emily would be sitting at the kitchen table with a curious look towards Alex as the fox girl want to ask the pervy goddess something important.

Emily: *had put her hand on her chin* So what do you want to take ask about?

The fox girl glance around for a bit before deciding to tell the pervy goddess telepathy with her having a small blush as the female pervert blink a few times before having a devilishly smile.

The fox girl glance around for a bit before deciding to tell the pervy goddess telepathy with her having a small blush as the female pervert blink a few times before having a devilishly smile

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Emily: *in a happy and excited tone* You came to the right person for this!

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