Saki in Emblem's cafe

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In Emblem's cafe, Jessie had finished making herself a snack and sat down on a table, enjoying her snack until stopping at hearing music.

In Emblem's cafe, Jessie had finished making herself a snack and sat down on a table, enjoying her snack until stopping at hearing music

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Jessie: *tilts her head and stood up* Is Annie here? Prefer she is also cooking something.

She walk over to where the music was coming from and peek inside, seeing it was Saki who was playing a guitar as the swordwomen open her eyes, frozing at seeing the omni goddess.

She walk over to where the music was coming from and peek inside, seeing it was Saki who was playing a guitar as the swordwomen open her eyes, frozing at seeing the omni goddess

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The two females stare in silence until Jessie soon caught the sword aim at her head from the taller female.

Saki: *had a blush of embarrassment at being caught with swirls in her eyes* I have kill you.

Jessie: *had sweatdrop while struggling to held her back* You were playing pretty well.

The swordwomen winced slightly in embrassment at this and continue to try to kill the older female.

Meanwhile, at the gym
Laxus bend down, taking a small break from an workout, having her wings out.

Laxus: *was in her thoughts, thinking what Kisame had said to her earlier* I know there was two scent on him but I just thought it was just me being odd

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Laxus: *was in her thoughts, thinking what Kisame had said to her earlier* I know there was two scent on him but I just thought it was just me being odd.

???: *had stopped in front of her* Well look who it.

The orange hair dragon girl frown at this voice and look to see Tiamat who give her a small smirk.

Tiamat: *give her a wave, having a towel around her neck* I see you come here to workout as well.

The orange dragon girl was about to say something but stop at what her nose had picked up.

Laxus: *had walk up to the redhead dragon girl, pressed her breasts against her, staring at her* Why the hell is his scent on you?

Tiamat: *had smirk a bit more, having a challenging look in her eyes* What do you think?

The orange hair dragon girl growled lowly at this as the two stare at each other, causing a few cracks in the gym with a few people hoping they don't fight each other or at least take it outside.

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