Momiji gets arrest

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Momiji would be with Gura and other ninjas as the head kunoichi had brought the shark girl a fish snack  and was stopped by a police officer.

Police officer: *in a stern tone* Are you Momiji?

The head kunoichi rise a brow at this but nodded her head before hearing a click and look down to see her hands were in handcuffs, surprising her along with the others.

Police officer: *in a serious cold tone* Momiji, you are under arrest for manslaughter, murder, thief, and terrorism.

Mina: *stepped up, standing beside her leader and friend* Officer please. You got the wrong person. She's been with us most of the time granted there are times she goes on her own but I'm sure it's not her.

The officer held up a camera, showing a video of the head kunoichi attacking a few people along with a few bodies on the ground, surprising them though they glance at the date, seeing it was two weeks ago on a Thursday.

Mika: *stood beside the head kunoichi* That's not her. She was with us during that date. We were sending a friend off.

Police officer: *look over at her and the rest of the ninjas* You're all ninjas correct?

The group share a look of confusion at but nodded to him.

Police officer: *look away from them* Sorry with all due respect but I can't take words from ruthless killers.

Fay: *hissed at this, offended by this and stomp towards him * Fuck you say?! I'll show you a ruthless.

Yuri and Ryu quickly hold her back though they and the rest were offended as well while Momiji stay silent but look back at Gura, sensing the shark girl was about to attack but stopped her with a shake of her head, knowing there was many squat team around the area.

Momiji: *stare down at the police officer, having a blank expression* Will I be on trail?

Police office: *shakes his head* Execution.

Mina and Mika: *in a shock and anger tone* What the fuck?!

Momiji: *in a stern tone, hearing Yuri and Konan slowly pulling their weapons* Stand down.

The two kunoichi froze at this but grudgingly listen to the head kunoichi who smiled mentally to herself as armor van had stopped behind the police officer with the doors opening two military officer beckoning the head kunoichi to come on.

Momiji: *glance back with a gentle smile* I'll be fine you all. It's just a clearly misunderstanding I'll figure out something. Just please don't tell Zalona.

The head kunoichi walk into the armor van as the door closing and driving off as the ninjas and shark girl watched in disbelief with Konan patting Gura's back to calm her down.

Unknown to them, they were being watched by a figure nearly similar to the head kunoichi from a building, keeping her presence completely hidden

Unknown to them, they were being watched by a figure nearly similar to the head kunoichi from a building, keeping her presence completely hidden

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???: *nods to herself and turn around* That was easier than I thought.  That's one plan down. Just another to go.

The unknown female soon teleport away, smirking slightly to herself at the other part of the plan.

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