Saki ask her sister a question

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Saki would be at her sister house, looking outside at the orange sky while thinking of a certain swordwomen.

Hexia: *stood beside her younger sister* It's rare to see you thinking. *lean against the wall* What seems to be on your mind?

The swordwomen remain silent for a few seconds then let out a sigh.

Saki: *look over at her girl* You think I have a chance against her now? Be honest.

The space kaiju look briefly at her, knowing who she was talking about then look outside.

Hexia: *cross her arms* No. You won't really have a chance against her even with your new ability since she also trains.

Saki: *let out a small sigh and facepalm her right side of her head* Dammit. *looks back at the sky* There goes my dream and goal.

The space kaiju woman glance at the slightly upset swordwoman, seeing her hand clench slightly that made her reach out and pat younger female head.

Hexia: *had a spoke in a low soft tone* I know that it's disappointing but at least she acknowledge you.

Saki: *shakes her head and push her hand off her head* I doubt that. *let out another sigh with a slight smirk* I guess I go find out.

The space kaiju woman only chuckle in respone at this with the younger sister doing the same.

Meanwhile, with Laxus and Wendy
Laxus and Wendy would arrive where they had sense Natsu and saw their friend was a giant along with a different appearance.

Wendy: *had felt a shiver from the furious look in her friend's face* What happened to herself.

Laxus remain silent at this with her seeing a flash of red hair along with a metal tail that made her snarl angrily.

Laxus: *growls lightly* That redhead bitch.

Wendy jump at the orange hair dragon words and look at her.

Laxus: *looks back at her brown hair friend* Try to calm Natsu down. I got to talk someone.

Before Wendy could say anything, the orange hair dragon girl flow off as she saw Tiamat crashed into the ground as Wendy gulp slightly while looking at her giant friend.

Tiamat: *push the rubble with a light chuckle and sat up, seeing Laxus standing in front of her* What's up, Laxus?

Laxus: *had her arms across with an glare* What did you do to my friend?

The redhead dragon girl let out a snicker to herself and rolling her shoulder.

Tiamat: *stretch her arm with a hum* Just helping her unlocking her potential.

Laxus: *rise a brow along with a look of confusion* Potential?

The redhead dragon girl only nodded in respone and walk pass her.

Tiamat: *her tail move over and spank the orange hair dragon girl playfully* Though it's difficult to calm her down.

The dragon girl scoff at this along with her spanking and look back at her.

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